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发布时间:2024-07-31 01:22:13

[单项选择]A. It will take about one month to repair the watch.
B. The woman should have saved more money.
C. It is a good idea to keep the old watch.
D. The watch is no longer worth repairing.

更多"A. It will take about one month to "的相关试题:

[单项选择]It will take you one hour and fifty minutes()the top of Mount Tai.
A. reaching
B. to reach
C. being reached
D. having been reached
[单项选择]How many pills the patient should take one day()
A. 4.
B. 8.
C. 12.
D. 15.
[单项选择]How long does it take one to earn an online associate degree()
A. At least sixteen months.
B. As few as six months.
C. At least sixty months.
D. As few as three months.
[单项选择]What happened to the shop in one month
A. The shop was on fire twice.
B. The shop closed twice.
C. The shop was broken into twice at night.
[单项选择]The doctor said that it would take a month for her fractured wrist to()
A. recover
B. heal
C. remedy
D. cure

Conversation One

Where does the conversation take place( )
A. At a train station.
B. In a restaurant.
C. At an information booth.
[简答题]A one-month survey results indicate that smoking, alcohol and marijuana use increase among residents of Manhattan during the five to eight weeks after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center which took place on September 11,2001. Almost one-third of the nearly 1000 persons interviewed reported an increased use of alcohol, marijuana, or cigarettes following the September 11 attacks. About one-fourth of the respondents said they were drinking more alcohol in the weeks after September 11; about one tenth reported an increase in smoking, and 3.2% said they had increased their use of marijuana.
62)The investigators found survey participants by randomly dialing New York City phone numbers and screened potential respondents for Manhattan residents living in areas close to the World Trade Center. Interviews were conducted with 988 individuals between October 16 and November 15, 2001. Participants were asked about their cigarette smoking, alcohol drinking, and mari
[单项选择]I ()go to New York next month. Can I take a week-long vacation
A. would rather
B. should not
C. would like to
D. had to
[单项选择]During the one-month trial period, customers are under no ______ to sign any contracts.
A. pledge
B. promise
C. obligation
D. engagement
[单项选择]On day one of my self-proclaimed Month of Gratitude, my five-year-old son woke up "bored" at 5:15 a.m., I spied a speeding ticket in my wife’s purse, and our water heater spluttered to its death as I was getting into the shower. Ordinarily, I would have started complaining and the day would’ve been off to an ugly start. But this day was different. How cute my child’s dimples (酒窝) are. How fetching my wife’s taste for adventure. Only 29 days to go.
Just a week earlier, as I struggled with the feeling that I’d been put on this earth to load and unload the dishwasher, I’d decided it was time to end my reflexive complaining. But it wasn’t simply the little things that were annoying me. All of a sudden, my friends were dealing with bad news--cancer diagnoses, divorce, job loss. Shouldn’t I be celebrating my relative good fortune
I’d heard about the feel-good benefits of a gratitude attitude. Hoping for tips, I called professor Emmons, who pioneered research on the benefits of posi
A. How to pay a gratitude visit.
B. How to make matters differently.
C. How to be thankful and improve your life.
D. How to become an appreciated man.


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