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发布时间:2024-09-08 07:04:50

Big is Back

A. Corporate giants were on the defensive for decades. Now they have the advantage again. In 1996, in one of his most celebrated phrases, Bill Clinton declared that "the era of big government is over". He might have added that the era of big companies was over, too. The organisation that defined capitalism for much of the 20th century was then in retreat, attacked by corporate raiders, annoyed by shareholders and outwitted by entrepreneurs (企业家). Great names such as Pan Am had disappeared. Others had survived only by huge bloodletting: IBM sacked 122,000 people, a quarter of its workforce, between 1990 and 1995. Everyone agreed that the future lay with entrepreneurial start-ups such as Yahoo!—which in late 1998 had the same market capitalisation with 637 employees as Boeing with 230,000. The share of GDP produced by big industrial companies fell by haft between 1974 and 1998, from 36% to 17%.
B. Today the bal

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Big is Back

A. Corporate giants were on the defensive for decades. Now they have the advantage again. In 1996, in one of his most celebrated phrases, Bill Clinton declared that "the era of big government is over". He might have added that the era of big companies was over, too. The organisation that defined capitalism for much of the 20th century was then in retreat, attacked by corporate raiders, annoyed by shareholders and outwitted by entrepreneurs (企业家). Great names such as Pan Am had disappeared. Others had survived only by huge bloodletting: IBM sacked 122,000 people, a quarter of its workforce, between 1990 and 1995. Everyone agreed that the future lay with entrepreneurial start-ups such as Yahoo!—which in late 1998 had the same market capitalisation with 637 employees as Boeing with 230,000. The share of GDP produced by big industrial companies fell by haft between 1974 and 1998, from 36% to 17%.
B. Today the bal
[简答题]Last Monday,we were discussing the problems of defective containers.You suggested that I simply mail you a report each week on the number of return by customers rather than send the defective containers to you.
I plan to put this into effect at once.But,I first want to make sure that I understand you correctly.If I don’t hear from you within the coming month.I’ll assume that you approve.

Most big corporations were once run by individual capitalists: by one shareholder with enough stock to dominate the board of directors and to dictate policy, a shareholder who was usually also the chief executive officer. Owning a majority or controlling interest, these capitalists did not have to concentrate on reshuffling assets to fight off raids from financial vikings. They were free to make a living by producing new products or by producing old products more cheaply. Just as important, they were locked into their roles. They could not very well sell out for a quick profit—dumping large stock holdings on the market would have simply depressed the stock’s price and cost them their jobs as captains of industry. So instead they sought to enhance their personal wealth by investing—by improving the long-run efficiency and productivity of the company.

A. (A) Most big companies are run by individual capitalists.
B. (B) The problem is that there are no incentives for productivity growth.
C. (C) Let’s put capitalists back into capitalism.
D. (D) Individual capitalists or shareholders with enough stock dominate big corporations.

Back when we were kids, the hours spent with friends were too numerous to count. There were marathon telephone conversations; all-night studying and giggling sessions. Even after boyfriends entered the pictured our best friends remained irreplaceable. And time was the means by Which we nurtured those friendships. Now as adult women we never seem to have enough time for anything. Husbands, kids, careers and avocations--all require attention; too often, making time for our friends comes last on the list of priorities. And yet, ironically, we need our friends as much as ever in adulthood. A friendship network is absolutely crucial for our well being as adults. We have to do the hard work of building and sustaining the network. Here are some important ways for accomplishing this.

Let go of your less central friendships.

Many of our friendships were never meant to last a lifetime. It’s natural that some friendships have time limits. Furthermore, now


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