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发布时间:2024-08-01 06:19:28

[填空题]As a language leaner it was hard for me to make myself (understand) __________ in the beginning.

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[填空题]As a language leaner it was hard for me to make myself (understand) __________ in the beginning.

[填空题]As a language learner it was hard for me to make myself (understand) ______ in the beginning.
[单项选择]It is hard for me to imagine what I would be doing today if I ( ) in love, at the age of seven, with the library in my hometown.
A. wouldn’t have fallen
B. should not fall
C. had not fallen
D. were not to fall
[单项选择]The people of China are working very hard to make concerted efforts to invigorate the country.
A. enjoyable
B. persistent
C. encouraged
D. joint
[填空题]You will find it hard to make friends with people ______.

M: I want to make sure my son receives this letter. It has an important certificate in it.
W: You can send it either by certified mail or registered mail. If you only want to make sure it is received, send it by certified mail. It’s less expensive.
M: OK. How about this package
W: What’s in it
M: A watch.
W: You should insure it for the value of the watch, and sent it by registered mail. It’s more expensive, but it’s the safest way.

What is in the letter ()
A. A valuable book.
B. An important certificate.
C. A beautiful postcard.
D. An application form.
[单项选择]—Mum ,why do you always make me eat an egg every day
—() enough protein and nutrition as you are growing up.
A. Get
B. Getting
C. To get
D. To be going

W: My parents told me my uncles and aunts are planning a big family gathering in Paris this fall.
M: Are you going there
W: You bet. All my uncles and aunts will take their children along, too. So I’ll meet many cousins there.
M: How nice! But why Paris
W: Because two of my aunts are French. They met and got married to my uncles in France. Some of their relatives are still living there.
M: Have you ever been to France before
W: No. I’ve never traveled abroad. I’m very excited about it. I just can’t wait.
M: My parents are going to take me on a trip to Hawaii next month by way of Tokyo, but I’ve been there three times already.

Where do the woman’s families gather in autumn()
A. In Paris.
B. In Hawaii.
C. In Tokyo.

M: It’s so hard for me to learn English. Why is it so easy for you
W: I didn’t know you were having problems. Maybe it’s easier for me because I already speak two languages. But also, I really work at it.
M: Well, I always do my homework and go to classes. What else do you think would help
W: Well, you might try reading newspapers. And I always talk to Americans when I get a chance, though sometimes it’s hard.
M: But, how do you meet Americans I only know other foreign students.
W: How about sitting next to an American at lunch, or have you ever thought of asking someone over to your house for dinner
M: Those are good ideas. But I’m a little shy to speak English.
W: You won’t learn if you don’t try and speak. If I were you, I’d talk to your English teacher. He might have some good ideas.

Why is it easier for the woman to learn English( ).
A. She often talks to English people.
B. She speaks two languages already.
C. She always does her homework right after class.
[单项选择](Would) you mind (waiting) a moment for me My work will be (finished) (at no time).( )
A. Would
B. waiting
C. finished
D. at no time
[单项选择]()year my travel agent promises me that my holiday will be ()best I have ever had, but none of these promises has ever come true.
A. Every; the
B. Each; a
C. Last; the
D. Once a; a


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