发布时间:2023-11-04 03:35:19

[单项选择]Please make sure all items have been () from the desks before the new employees arrive next week.
A. removed
B. remove
C. removes
D. removing

更多"Please make sure all items have bee"的相关试题:


 Please make sure all items have been() from the desks before the new employees arrive next week.

A. removed
B. remove
C. removes
D. removing
[单项选择]Like flowers that have been waiting all winter to blossom, tourists are eager to burst forth with their cameras.
A. survive
B. breeze
C. bloom
D. revive
[简答题]How do you make sure to finish all your assignments on schedule Please include specific details in your explanation.
[单项选择]Several complaints have been received from customers who have been sent the correcl orders with the wrong invoices and wrong orders with the correct invoices.
A. 从客户中已经收到一些投诉,他们被送到具有错误发票的正确订货和具有正确发票的错误订货。
B. 我们已收到那些正确订货和错误发票或错误订货和正确发票的客户的投诉。
C. 我们收到了不少客户的投诉说,有的人收到的订货是对的,但发票开错,有的订货有误,但发票没错。
D. 我们收到不少客户的投诉,他们中有的人收到了正确的订货和错误的发票,另一些人收到了错误的订货和正确的发票。
[单项选择]A. To make sure that blind people have the same rights as everyone else.
B. To provide the blind with a white lane for crossing a street.
C. To encourage people to volunteer to help the blind.
D. To draw attention to the blind with a cane or a dog in crossing the street.
[填空题]Some people can make sure these dreams have ______ by controlling some of their dreams.

For years now, calories have been all the rage—people are counting them and cutting them, and you’d be hard-pressed to find something at the supermarket that does not list its calories per serving somewhere on the package. But have you ever wondered what exactly a calorie is
What Is a Calorie
A calorie is a unit of energy. We tend to associate calories with food, but they apply to anything containing energy. For example, a gallon (about 4 liters) of gasoline contains about 31,000,000 calories.
Specifically, a calorie is the amount of energy, or heat, it takes to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit). One calorie is equal to 4.184 joules (焦耳), a common unit of energy used in the physical sciences. Most of us think of calories in relation to food, as in "This can of soda has 200 calories." It turns out that the calories on a food package are actually kilocalories (1,000 calories=1 kilocalori
A. how much energy that food contains
B. the compilation of these three building blocks
C. how the energy is acquired
D. where does the food come from
[填空题]Make sure this is big enough to hold all your clothes for your holiday. s ______
[单项选择]The bicycles have been shipped to all the following places EXCEPT ______.
A. Africa
B. Latin America
C. the Caribbean
D. Southern Asia
[单项选择]How many people have been evacuated from the area
A. Nearly 2,000.
B. Nearly 20, 000.
C. Nearly 200, 000.
D. Nearly 2, 000, 000.
For years now, calories have been all the rage—people are counting them and cutting them, and you’d be hard-pressed to find something at the supermarket that does not list its calories per serving somewhere on the package. But have you ever wondered what exactly a calorie is
What Is a Calorie100 calories in a can of soda equals to ______.
A) 200,000 regular calories C) 100 kilocalories
B) 200 kilocalories D) 4,184 joules


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