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发布时间:2024-09-13 22:15:32

A = Uganda B = Kenya C = Zaire
Which country...

Uganda is in the central part of Africa, near the equator. It became independent in 1962. Until then it had been a British protectorate. The area of Uganda is 93,981 square miles. About ten million people live there.
Uganda is a land of mountains, lakes and plains. Mount Ruwenzori is in a mountain range with peaks above 16,700 feet. The chief rivers are the Victoria Nile and Albert Nile, branches of the great Nile River.
Almost all the people of Uganda are African black people of various tribes. The Bugandas are most powerful and their language is semi-official, but there are more Bantus— the people who live in the north from another group. Nearly everyone understands the Swahili language.
Most of the people are farmers. There are some wandering tribes

更多"A = Uganda B = Kenya C = "的相关试题:

A = Uganda B = Kenya C = Zaire
Which country...

Uganda is in the central part of Africa, near the equator. It became independent in 1962. Until then it had been a British protectorate. The area of Uganda is 93,981 square miles. About ten million people live there.
Uganda is a land of mountains, lakes and plains. Mount Ruwenzori is in a mountain range with peaks above 16,700 feet. The chief rivers are the Victoria Nile and Albert Nile, branches of the great Nile River.
Almost all the people of Uganda are African black people of various tribes. The Bugandas are most powerful and their language is semi-official, but there are more Bantus— the people who live in the north from another group. Nearly everyone understands the Swahili language.
Most of the people are farmers. There are some wandering tribes
Jamaica is an island country. It is a very beautiful and sunny place. It has green mountains and white beaches, Jamaica has warm days all year long. It rains a lot there.
When Jamaica was founded, it was called Sunda Kelapa. Indians lived in Jamaica. Then Christopher Columbus arrived in 1494 and took the island for Spain. They made Indians work for them. Later they also brought Africans to the island to work as slaves. Then the British took Jamaica in 1655. Jamaica became a free country in 1962. English became the official language in Jamaica.
As the cities in Jamaica grew, more people decided to move to Jamaica. Most of them came from China or India.
The people in Jamaica wear colorful clothes. They carry things in a basket on top of their heads. Like most people in other countries around the world, Jamaicans like
A. With a basket on their head.
B. With a box on their shoulders.
C. With a basket in their hand.
D. With a box by their arm.
[单项选择]What should the governments of underdeveloped countries do to boost their economic growth( )
A. Improving children’s nutrition in their country.
B. Providing their people with cleaner conditions.
C. Improving health care for their people.
D. Providing their people with better education.
[单项选择]Today dozens of scientific group in different countries have been()the goal of a practical and economic way to use sunlight to split water molecules.
A. reaching
B. winning
C. chasing
D. pursuing
[单项选择]What is the challenge facing Stockholm County Council
A. How to control the growing number of intranet users.
B. How to prevent teenagers in town from chatting on the Web.
C. How to keep some information secret and accessible only to qualified peopl
[单项选择]The Department of Resources notified the town council that the water supply was (contaminated).
A. cut
B. dangerous
C. diverted
D. polluted
已知1900年1月1日是星期一,下面的函数count_5_13(int year)用于计算给定的年份year中有几个“黑色星期五”。“黑色星期五”指既是13日又是星期五的日期。
函数count_5_13(int year)首先算出年份year的1月13日是星期几,然后依次计算每个月的13日是星期几,若是星期五,则计数。
程序中使用了函数isLeapYear(int year),其功能是判断给定年份是否为闰年,返回值为1(或0)分别表示year是(或不是)闰年。
int Count_5_13(int year)
int date; /*date为0表示星期日,为1~6分别表示星期一至星期六*/
long days=0; /*days记录天数*/
int m, y, c=0; /*c用于表示黑色星期五的个数*/
if(year<1900) return-1;
for(y=1900; y<year; y++) {
days +=365;
if (iSLeapYear(Y)) (1) ;
c=( (2) )1:0;
for(m=1; (3) ; m++) {
switch(m) {
case 1: case 3: case 5: case 7: case 8: case 10: case 12:
days=31; break;
case 4: case 6: case 9: case 11:
days=30; break;
case 2: days=28;


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