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发布时间:2024-08-01 07:33:24

[填空题]Studies show that music fails to activate the parts of the brain that produce happiness.

更多"Studies show that music fails to ac"的相关试题:

[简答题]Music is a part of the history of America. It expresses the problems and feelings of its people. As the years pass, the music grows and changes.
[单项选择]What fails him
A. He can’t find good subjects to photograph.
B. His indoor shots are too dark.
C. His pictures are often blurry.
D. His camera is too old for good detail.
[多项选择]PART 3
·What do you think is the function of music
[多项选择]PART 3
·Do you think it is necessary to hold music courses in schools
[多项选择]PART 1
·What kind of music do you enjoy Who is your favorite singer
[填空题]Clocks in different part of the world show ______ at the same time.

[填空题]How Europe fails its young
Those Europeans who are tempted, in the light of the dismal scenes in New Orleans this fortnight, to downgrade the American challenge should meditate on one word: universities. Five years ago in Lisbon European officials proclaimed their intention to become the world’s premier "knowledge economy" by 2010. The thinking behind this grand declaration made sense of a sort: Europe’s only chance of preserving its living standards lies in working smarter than its competitors rather than harder or cheaper. But Europe’s failing higher-education system poses a lethal threat to this ambition.
Europe created the modem university. Scholars were gathering in Paris and Bologna before America was on the map. Oxford and Cambridge invented the residential university: the idea of a community of scholars, living together to pursue higher learning. Germany created the research university. A century ago European universities were a magnet for scholars and a mo
[多项选择]PART TWO
How to approach Writing Test Part Two

·Part Two counts for two thirds of the total marks in the Writing Test.
·You should spend about 30 minutes on Part Two.
·You will be asked to write a report, proposal or piece of business correspondence.
·You will be given information, such as a letter, advertisement, or charts and graphs, as the starting point for your answer, and will be told who to write to.
·About five ’handwritten’ notes will also be given. You must use all these notes when writing your answer, and will need to invent information in connection with some of them. If you leave out any of the five notes, you will lose marks.
·Read the instructions carefully so that you know what do, and underline the key words.
·Make an outline plan, putting the five notes into a suitable order.
·Start your answer by briefly saying why you are writing.
·Express your ideas clearly.
·Try to use a wide range of appropriate vocab
[多项选择]PART ONE
How to approach Writing Test Part One

·Part One counts for one third of the total marks in the Writing Test.
·You should spend no more than 15 minutes on Part One.
·You will be asked to write a note, memo, email or message to one or more people in your company
·The first bullet point of the instructions outlines the situation.
·The second bullet point tells you what you should write, who you are writing it for, and the points that must be included.
·It is best to follow the order of the points that are required, as you will lose marks if you leave out any of them.
·Read the instructions carefully so that you know what to do, and underline the key words.
·Express yourself briefly and clearly
·For a memo or email you don’t need to include to, from, date or subject.
·Try to use a range of appropriate vocabulary and grammatical structures.
·Make the language suitable for the reader(s).
·After writing,


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