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发布时间:2024-02-15 07:35:05

{{B}}TEXT D{{/B}}

This is the life of someone who wrote little, spoke little, and about whom there are few memories. Yet if anyone’s life is worthy of a biography it is surely Abram Petrovich Gannibal, an African slave adopted by Peter the Great, who studied mathematics and cryptography before training as a military engineer, spied for the tsar in Paris, became an expert in fortification, was sent to Siberia, became governor-general of Tallinn, and finally retired to an estate in northern Russia as the owner of slaves himself.
These days he is best known as the great grandfather of Alexander Pushkin, whose family liked to think their illustrious forebear was an Abyssinian prince, and a direct descendant of the legendary Carthaginian general ’whose name he boldly adopted (spelling it in the Russian way with a "g"). It was not until the 1990s that an enterprising scholar from Benin was able to challenge centuries of
A. The author thinks Gannibal is admirable, respectable and worshipful.
B. The author generally recognizes Gannibal’s values.
C. The author does not show his personal feeling and express any comment.
D. The author does not think he is perfect, and writes with a slight tone of irony.

更多"{{B}}TEXT D{{/B}} This is the lif"的相关试题:

{{B}}TEXT D{{/B}}

This is the life of someone who wrote little, spoke little, and about whom there are few memories. Yet if anyone’s life is worthy of a biography it is surely Abram Petrovich Gannibal, an African slave adopted by Peter the Great, who studied mathematics and cryptography before training as a military engineer, spied for the tsar in Paris, became an expert in fortification, was sent to Siberia, became governor-general of Tallinn, and finally retired to an estate in northern Russia as the owner of slaves himself.
These days he is best known as the great grandfather of Alexander Pushkin, whose family liked to think their illustrious forebear was an Abyssinian prince, and a direct descendant of the legendary Carthaginian general ’whose name he boldly adopted (spelling it in the Russian way with a "g"). It was not until the 1990s that an enterprising scholar from Benin was able to challenge centuries of
A. To give us a portrait of a legendary person—Abram Petrovich Gannibal.
B. To reveal the origin of Gannibal.
C. To indicate the connection of Pushkin and Gannibal.
D. To introduce Hugh Barnes’s research work and his book on Cannibal.
[单项选择]For someone whose life has been shattered, Hiroshi Shimizu is remarkably calm. In a cramped Tokyo law office, the subdued, bitter man in his 30s—using an assumed name for the interview relates how he became infected with the HIV virus from tainted blood products sold by Japanese hospitals to hemophiliacs during the mid-1980s. "I was raped," says Shimizu. "I never thought doctors would give me bad medicine. "
last year, Shimizu was shocked when a doctor newly transferred to his hospital broke the news. Four years earlier, he had asked his previous doctor if he could safely marry. "He told me: ’There’s absolutely no problem,’ even though he knew [I was infected]," Shimizu says. "I could have passed it to my wife. " Luckily, he hasn’t.
Shimizu is one of more than 2,000 hemophiliacs and their loved ones infected with the deadly virus before heat-treated blood products became available in Japan. It’s a tragedy—and now it’s a national scandal. In recent weeks, the country has been
A. was around thirty odd with his pseudonym
B. was called Hiroshi Shimizu who was raped by the doctor
C. was an infuriated, clamorous adolescent who got married four years ago
D. was a greatly upset young man who got his blood transfusion about ten years ago
[单项选择]{{B}}TEXT D{{/B}}
If life expectancy were a marathon, you could say that the United States is fading from the pack. Although everyone is living longer, the inhabitants of other industrialized nations have made more dramatic strides in life expectancy than Americans have. Australian men gained an extra six years between 1980 and 2001; Japanese women, 6.1% years. The result: Americans, once on a par with countries such as Italy and New Zealand—in the middle of the pack—now rank below Spain and Greece, near the end.
On the face of it, this should not be happening.
Healthier nations are usually wealthier nations. The United States is the third richest of the 30 developed nations belonging to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), after Luxembourg and Norway. But it now ranks 22nd in life expectancy—down from 12th f
A. The United States.
B. Spain.
C. Greece.
D. New Zealand.


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