Most people who go online have mainly positive experience. But, (1) any endeavor—traveling, cooking, or attending school— there are some risks. The online world, like the (2) of society, is made up of a wide array of people. Most are (3) and respectful, but some may be rude and insulting, (4) even mean and exploitative. Children get a lot of benefits from being online, but they can also be (5) of crime and exploitation in this as in any other environment. Trusting, curious, and (6) to explore this new world and the relationships it brings, children need parental (7) and commonsense advice.
Although there have been some highly (8) cases of abuse involving the Internet and online services, reported cases are (9) infrequent. Of course, like most crimes (10) children, many cases go unreported, especially if the child is (11) in an activity that he or she does not wan
A. punished
B. educated
C. taught
D. victimized
It is reported that over 300 million people in China
are suffering from nearsightedness(近视). As more children have got eye trouble,
their parents hope to cure the disease by medicine, equipment or by correcting
the way children read and sit. But in fact the care given to one’s eyes should
start with the exercise on one’s feet. Three methods on how to protect eyes are
as follows: Firstly, don’t fasten your shoes too tightly. Try wearing loose socks or walking barefooted at home. When traveling, try wearing cloth shoes so as to make blood circulation (循环) easier. Secondly, walking on tiptoes will help improve one’s eyesight, and prevent nearsightedness. Figures show that few ballet (芭蕾舞) performers are nearsighted. Thirdly, rope skipping also does good to one’ s eyesight. When skipping the rope, one has to react quickly, wh A. One should let one’s feet be free. B. One should protect one’s feet to protect one’s eyes. C. One should protect one’s eyes to protect one’s feet. D. One should learn to walk barefooted at home. [单选题]现场勘察工作,对涉及()的作业项目,应由项目主管部门、单位组织相关人员共同参与。
A.多专业、多部门 B.多部门、多单位 C.多专业、多单位 D.多专业、多部门、多单位 [单选题]近年来,国家统计局公布的CPI数据成为反映社会经济生活状况的“晴雨表”。下列关于CPI的表述错误的是( )。
A.CPI是反映我国通货膨胀程度的主要指标 B.CPI用于衡量消费者经常购买的确定的商品和劳务的价格变化 C.按年度计算的CPI变动率不能反映通货紧缩的程度 D.CPI是市场经济活动与政府货币政策的重要参考指标 [单项选择]设备监测到FANFAIL告警时最不可能的原因是:
A. 子架上FAN插头未插好 B. 子架上某个风扇模块故障 C. 设备温度过高 D. 风扇子架电源未打开 [多选题]摩尔吸光系数很大,则表明:
A.该物质的浓度很大 B.光通过该物质溶液的光程长 C.该物质对某波长的光吸收能力很强 D.测定该物质的方法的灵敏度高 [多选题]社团贷款收费的具体项目可以包括()
A.安排费 B.承诺费 C.代理费 D.补助费 [单选题]顺从型互动是指行动者之间发生性质相同或方向一致的行动过程,常有三种形式:有意无意地向他人发出信号或暗示,并引起他人反应;不经过考量,直接按照他人的方式去行动;行动者在他人压力下接受他人行动方式,并且照做。
根据上述定义,下列选项中不属于顺从型互动的是( )。
A.小文对新来的家教老师不满意,但想到父母的苦心和已缴的学费,还是开始了家教课程 B.护士阿姨一边说“不哭啊,一点都不疼”,一边在毛毛的手臂上注射,毛毛果然没哭 C.小刘的业务能力有目共睹,连素来挑剔的老主任也赞成选小刘为业务主管 D.很多投资者寻找项目时什么热就投资什么,股票热时炒股票,翡翠热时炒翡翠 [单选题]大量不保留灌肠时,灌肠筒内液面距肛门约
A. 40-50cm B. 40~60cm C. 45~60cm D. 50~60cm E. 60~70cm 我来回答: 提交