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发布时间:2023-10-30 18:40:25

[单项选择]{{B}}TEXT D{{/B}}
Lichens can be spectacular for anyone who cares to look, but few people take the trouble. Often modestly colored, and seemingly two-dimensional as they cling to whatever surface they find, they grow in background - as though designed to be ignored. Yet they hold a special fascination for botanists, partly because they present mysteries still to be solved and partly because they do so many things so well.
No casual observer ’of a lichen would ever suspect that it was a composite of interacting life forms. This seemingly uncomplicated lichen is actually composed of a fungus and a colony of algae (or blue-green algae, which some scientists now consider to be bacteria). A few species even include all three of these diverse forms of life. A complete lichen is strikingly different from its separated partners in both appearance and
A. not totally understood by botanists
B. troublesome to collect for the purposes of study
C. uncomplicated in their internal structure
D. not easily noticed by observers

更多"{{B}}TEXT D{{/B}} Liche"的相关试题:

[单项选择]{{B}}TEXT D{{/B}}
Lichens can be spectacular for anyone who cares to look, but few people take the trouble. Often modestly colored, and seemingly two-dimensional as they cling to whatever surface they find, they grow in background - as though designed to be ignored. Yet they hold a special fascination for botanists, partly because they present mysteries still to be solved and partly because they do so many things so well.
No casual observer ’of a lichen would ever suspect that it was a composite of interacting life forms. This seemingly uncomplicated lichen is actually composed of a fungus and a colony of algae (or blue-green algae, which some scientists now consider to be bacteria). A few species even include all three of these diverse forms of life. A complete lichen is strikingly different from its separated partners in both appearance and
A. a fungus
B. algae
C. a beetle
D. bacteria
{{B}}TEXT D{{/B}}

Can electricity cause cancer In a society that literally runs on electric power, the very idea seems preposterous. But for more than a decade, a growing band of scientists and journalists has pointed to studies that seem to link exposure to electromagnetic fields with increased risk of leukemia and other malignancies. The implications are unsettling, to say the least, since everyone comes into contact with such fields, which are generated by everything electrical, from power lines and antennas to personal computers and micro-wave ovens. Because evidence on the subject is inconclusive and often contradictory, it has been hard to decide whether concern about the health effects of electricity is legitimate—or the worst kind of paranoia.
Now the alarmists have gained some qualified support from the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency. In the executive summary of a new scientific review, released in draft form
A. studies on the cause of cancer
B. controversial view-points in the cause of cancer
C. the relationship between electricity and cancer
D. different ideas about the effect of electricity on caner
{{B}}TEXT D{{/B}}

What impact can mobile phones have on their users’ health Many people worry about the supposed ill effects caused by radiation from handsets and base stations, despite the lack of credible evidence of any harm. But evidence for the beneficial effects of mobile phones on health is rather more abundant. Indeed, a systematic review carried out by Rifat Atun and his colleagues at Imperial College, London, rounds up 150 examples of the use of text-messaging in the delivery of health care. These uses fall into three categories: efficiency gains; public-health gains; and direct benefits to patients by incorporating text-messaging into treatment regimes. The study, funded by Vodafone, the world’s largest mobile operator, was published this week.
Using texting to boost efficiency is not rocket science, but big
A. That cell phones are harmful to people’s health is unconvincing.
B. Cell phones can bring more benefits to people than harm.
C. People won’t worry about the harm cell phones do any longer.
D. There are only three types of benefits cell phones bring us.
{{B}}TEXT C{{/B}}

Can computers reason Reasoning requires the individual to take a given set of facts and draw correct conclusions. Unfortunately, errors frequently occur, and we are not talking about simple carelessness as occurs when two numbers are incorrectly added, nor do we mean errors resulting from simple forgetfulness. Rather, we have in mind errors of a logic nature--those resulting from faulty reasoning. Now, or at least soon, computers will be capable of error-free logical reasoning in a variety of areas. The key to avoiding errors is to use a computer program that relies on the last two decades’ research in the field of automated theorem proving. AURA (Automated Reasoning Assistant) is the program that best exemplifies this use of the computer.
AURA solves a problem by drawing conclusions from a given set
A. they have an indefinite life span.
B. they cost little to reproduce.
C. many copies can be made available.
D. they are self-analytical.


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