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发布时间:2024-08-26 07:16:25

[单项选择]Without their parents’ permission, they kept their marriage ( ) until last year.
A. in secret
B. secretly
C. secret
D. secretary

更多"Without their parents’ permission, "的相关试题:

[填空题]She kept her parents in suspense for several days______(才告诉父母她得了奖学金).

[单项选择]Nobody can touch that box without permission because there is () in it.
A. an important information
B. some important information
C. some important informations
D. lots of information important
[单项选择]Touching other people without their permission, reading someone else’s mail, and using personal possessions without asking permission are all examples of()
A. antisocial behavior.
B. manipulation.
C. poor boundaries.
D. passive-aggressive behavior.
[单项选择]What if the woman leaves without permission from her company
A. Her salary will be cut,
B. Her work will be suspended.
C. She will be asked to leave.
[填空题]People can send you data without your permission because the Bluetooth connection is _______________.
[填空题]Without the permission from the members of the Security Council, the Security Council cannot send an army into countries at war to help keep peace and solve serious problems.
[填空题]According to many parents, without TV, their children would like them to______.

[填空题]Many parents believe that without TV,, their children wood like them to______.
[单项选择]Mary’s parents () to the movies without doing her homework.
A. objected to her going
B. objected her to go
C. were objected to her going
D. were objected her to go
[单项选择]When ______ why he came in without permission, he stared at us, saying nothing.
A. asking
B. asked
C. being asked
D. to be asked
[单项选择]Most parents who are generous are good parents, but some self-centered parents are also good parents. Yet all good parents share one characteristic: they are good listeners.
If all of the statements in the passage are true, which one of the following must also be true
A. All parents who are good listeners are good parents.
B. Some parents who are good listeners are not good parents.
C. Most parents who are good listeners are generous.
D. Some parents who are good listeners are self-centered.
E. (E) Fewer self-centered parents than generous parents are good listeners.


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