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发布时间:2024-01-24 07:40:46

[单项选择]A 56-year-old male has a blood pressure reading of 146/96mmHg. Upon hearing the reading, he exclaims, "My pressure has never been this high. Will I need to take medication to reduce it" Which of the following responses by the nurse would be best()
A. "Yes. Hypertension is prevalent among males; it’s fortunate we caught this during your routine examination. "
B. "We’ll need to reevaluate your blood pressure because your age places you at high risk for hypertension. "
C. "A single elevated blood pressure doesn’t confirm hypertension. You’ll need to have your blood pressure reassessed several times before a diagnosis can be made. "
D. "You have no need to worry. Your pressure is probably elevated because you’re in the doctor’s office. "

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Which paragraph contains the following information
Write the correct letter, A-G in boxes 6-11 on your answer sheet.

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[填空题]Questions 1-7
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Which paragraph contains the following information
Write the correct letter, A-L, in boxes 1-7 on your answer sheet.

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[填空题]Questions 14-22
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Choose the correct heeding for each paragraph from the list of headings below.
Write the correct number, i-xiii , in boxes 14-22 in your answer sheet.

List of Headings

i micro food chain under the earth
ii locations of damage seeking
iii the historic scenery beneath the earth has been under attack
iv restricting bacteria breeding via absorbing one chemical element
v relation between bacteria and biofilms
vi bright future for application
vii microbes developing into species needs to be explored
viii microbes environment is under attack
ix key method to destroy biofilms
x resource of breeding bacteria and fungi
xi long-term damaging in the cave
xii effects testing
xiii absorbi
[填空题]Questions 28-35
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