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发布时间:2023-12-16 20:56:31


W: We ought to stop buying this kind of coffee. It always tastes terrible.
M: Maybe we shall get a new coffee machine instead.

What does the man want to do()
A. Buy another kind of coffee.
B. Buy another cup of coffee.
C. Stop buying this coffee.
D. Buy a new coffee machin

更多"[听力原文] W: We ought to stop buying"的相关试题:


W: We ought to stop buying this kind of coffee. It always tastes terrible.
M: Maybe we shall get a new coffee machine instead.

What does the man want to do ()
A. Buy another kind of coffee.
B. Buy another cup of coffee.
C. Stop buying this coffee.
D. Buy a new coffee machine.

M: We are having a little party at the weekend. Can you and Tom come
W: That sounds nice. Thank you. But I’ll have to check with Tom. I’ll tell you tomorrow.

Will the woman come to the party()
A. Maybe.
B. Yes, she will.
C. Yes, certainly.
D. No, she will not.

When we accept the evidence of our unaided eyes and describe the Sun as a yellow star, we have summed up the most important single fact about it—at this moment in time. It appears probable, however, that sunlight will be the color we know for only a small part of the Sun’s history.
Stars, like individuals, age and change. As we look out into space. We see around us stars at all stages of evolution. There are faint bloodred dwarfs school that their surface temperature is a mere 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit, there are searing ghosts blazing at 100,000 degrees Fahrenheit and almost too hot to be seen, for the great part of their radiation is in the invisible ultraviolet range. Obviously, the "daylight" produced by any star depends on its temperature; today (and for ages to come) our Sun is at about 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit, and this means that most of the Sun’s light is concentrated in the yellow band of the spectrum, falling slowly in
A. The dangers of invisible radiation.
B. Faint dwarf stars.
C. The Sun’s fuel problem.
D. The evolutionary cycle of the Sun.


W: If we hurry we can take the express train and save an hour.
M: Yes. The express takes only three hours to get to New York.

How long does it take the local train to New York ()
A. One hour.
B. Two hours.
C. Three hours.
D. Four hours.

M: Where on earth are we We are completely lost. What did I do wrong Did I take a wrong turn
W: I’m not sure, but I think you turned right when you should have turned left on the flyover bridge.
Q: What is the man doing ()

A. Driving a car.
B. Asking the direction.
C. Doing something wrong.
D. Looking for the flyover bridge.

W: We still have enough time before meeting the manager. Let’s go out and have dinner.
M: I know a nice restaurant near the station

What will the speakers do after the dinner ()
A. They will meet the teacher.
B. They will have a good tittle.
C. They will go to the station.
D. They will meet the manager.

M: We attended a lecture on philosophy by a professor from Peking University. It was great.
W: Yes, I felt it was easy to understand.

How was the professor’s lecture ()
A. His speech is very difficult to follow.
B. He is not learned enough.
C. He is from a famous university.
D. His speech is easy to follow.

W: Could you please tell me which stop I should get off for the Grand Hotel and how much is the fare
M: Of course. You can get off at the 14th street and walk for two blocks. I’ll tell you when we’re there. The fare is 50 cents.

What is the probable relationship between the two speakers()
A. Customer and merchant.
B. Doctor and patient.
C. Passenger and taxi driver.
D. Passenger and bus conductor.

W: What kind of T-shirt would you like
M: I’d like black T-shirt in medium size.

What color does the man like for his T-shirt()
A. Red.
B. White.
C. Black.
D. Blue.

Before we begin our tour, I’d like to give you some background information on the painter Grand Wood. We’ll be seeing much of his work today. Wood was born in 1881 in Iowa farm country, and became interested in art very early in life. Although he studied art in both Minneapolis and Chicago, the strongest influences on his art work were European. He spent time in both Germany and France and his study there helped shape his own stylized form of realism. When he returned to Iowa, Wood applied the stylistic realism he had learned in Europe to the rural life he saw around him and that he remembered from his childhood around the turn of the century. His portraits of farm families imitate the still formalism of photographs of early settlers posed in front of their homes. His paintings of farmers at work, and of their tools and animals, demonstrate a serious respect for the life of the mid-western United States.
By the 1930’s, Wood was a leading f
A. To analyze American Regionalism.
B. To compare several artistic styles.
C. To evaluate European influences on North American artists.
D. To introduce the development of an artist’s work.


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