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发布时间:2024-07-31 01:06:20

[单项选择]{{B}}Passage Two{{/B}}
My idea of perfect childhood memory is one in which the person remembers the event clearly as if it happened yesterday and remembers it as being a happy time. Of all my memories I have one that I would consider a perfect childhood memory.
In my neighborhood there is a large lake with a small island in the center of it. For as long as I could remember it had been every child’s dream to get to it. It was to be our greatest adventure. We named it Alligator Island, because of the alligators (鳄鱼) that were rumored to live on the island and in the surrounding lake.
One day when I was about 10 years old, I was helping my friend Erika clean out her garage and we discovered a blow-up raft. Naturally we had to wonder if it would stay afloat in the water so we decided to blow it up and find out. After a few hours of taking tu
A. Adventure on an Island.
B. A Perfect Childhood Memory.
C. Alligator Island.
D. A Childhood Full of Adventures.

更多"{{B}}Passage Two{{/B}} "的相关试题:

[单项选择]{{B}}Passage Two{{/B}}
My idea of perfect childhood memory is one in which the person remembers the event clearly as if it happened yesterday and remembers it as being a happy time. Of all my memories I have one that I would consider a perfect childhood memory.
In my neighborhood there is a large lake with a small island in the center of it. For as long as I could remember it had been every child’s dream to get to it. It was to be our greatest adventure. We named it Alligator Island, because of the alligators (鳄鱼) that were rumored to live on the island and in the surrounding lake.
One day when I was about 10 years old, I was helping my friend Erika clean out her garage and we discovered a blow-up raft. Naturally we had to wonder if it would stay afloat in the water so we decided to blow it up and find out. After a few hours of taking tu
A. Because the adventure is full of dangers and risks.
B. Because the author has tried a new kind of transportation.
C. Because the author has finally realized the dream of going to the island.
D. Because the author has been proved to be very intelligent during their adventure.
[单项选择]{{B}}Passage Two{{/B}}
The idea of test-tube babies may make you either delighted at the wonders of modern medicine or irritated while considering the moral, or legal, or technological implications of starting tire in a laboratory. But if you’ve ever been pregnant yourself, one thing is certain: You wonder what it’s like to carry a test-tube baby. Are these pregnancies normal Are the babies normal
The earliest answers come from Australia, where a group of medical experts at the Queen Victoria Medical Center in Melbourne have taken a look at the continent’s first nine successful invitro pregnancies. The Australians report that the pregnancies themselves seemed to have proceeded according to plan, but at birth some unusual trends did show up seven of the nine babies turned out to be girls. Six of the nine were delivered by Caesarean section. A
A. Whether the pregnancies of test-tube babies would be normal.
B. Whether the test-tube babies would be encouraged.
C. Why the proportion of defected babies is so high.
D. Why the number of Caesareans is so high.
[单项选择]Passage Two
The idea of building "New Towns" to absorb growth is frequently considered a cure-all for urban problems. It is wrongly assumed that if new residents can be diverted from existing centers, the present urban situation at least will get no worse. It is further and equally wrongly assumed that since European New Towns have been financially and socially successful, we can expect the same sorts of results in the United States.
Present planning, thinking, and legislation will not produce the kinds of New Town that have been successful abroad. It will multiply suburbs or encourage developments in areas where land is cheap and construction profitable rather than where New Towns are genuinely needed.
Such ill-considered projects not only will fail to relieve pressures on existing cities but will, in fact, tend to weaken those cities f
A. will help to solve the present urban situation
B. will produce the same sorts of results as does in Europe
C. will by no means alleviate the urban problems
D. will prevent the present urban situation from getting worse
Passage Three

The idea of ownership is everywhere. Title deeds establish and protect ownership of our houses, while security of property is as important to the proprietors of Tesco and Sainsbury’s as it is to their customers. However, there is a profound problem when it comes to so-called intellectual property (IP)- which requires a strong lead from government, and for which independent advice has never been more urgently required.
The myth is that IP rights are as important as our rights in castles, cars and corn oil. IP is supposedly intended to encourage inventors and the investment needed to bring their products to the clinic and marketplace. In reality, patents often suppress invention rather than promote it: drugs are "evergreened" when patents are on the verge of running out — companies buy up the patents of potential rivals in order to prevent them being turned into products. Moreover, th
A. being important to customers
B. protecting property safety
C. being government-guided
D. demanding government advice


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