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发布时间:2024-08-31 04:13:59


I woke up very late for school that morning. I was afraid of being blamed by Mr Hamel. He had said that he would ask us about some participles(分词) and I didn’t know anything about them. For a moment, I thought about running away and spending the day outside
It was so warm and bright! The birds were singing in the trees. In the open field, the Prusslan(普鲁士的) soldiers were drilling. It was much more interesting than the participles, but I had to hurry to school.
When I got to the town, there were many people in front of a blackboard. For the last two years, all of our had news had come from there, like the names of dead people. I thought to myself without stopping. "What happened this time"
Then, when I hurried by as fast as I could, Mx Waehter called me, "Don’t go so fast, boy. You’ll have more time to get to school
I thought he was making fun of me, and I ran to school quickly.
Usually, when class began, the
A. he got up late
B. the weather was bad
C. he didn’t like studying
D. the weather was bright

更多"I woke up very late for school that"的相关试题:


I woke up very late for school that morning. I was afraid of being blamed by Mr Hamel. He had said that he would ask us about some participles(分词) and I didn’t know anything about them. For a moment, I thought about running away and spending the day outside
It was so warm and bright! The birds were singing in the trees. In the open field, the Prusslan(普鲁士的) soldiers were drilling. It was much more interesting than the participles, but I had to hurry to school.
When I got to the town, there were many people in front of a blackboard. For the last two years, all of our had news had come from there, like the names of dead people. I thought to myself without stopping. "What happened this time"
Then, when I hurried by as fast as I could, Mx Waehter called me, "Don’t go so fast, boy. You’ll have more time to get to school
I thought he was making fun of me, and I ran to school quickly.
Usually, when class began, the
A. he got up late
B. the weather was bad
C. he didn’t like studying
D. the weather was bright

[单项选择]The lazy boy got up very late and went to school in a hurry. When he arrived at school, he found that he had put his socks on ( )
A. outside
B. inside out
C. side out
D. back out
[单项选择]Johnson: I got home very late last night, I hope I didn’’t disturb you. Landlady:______.
A. No, I heard a lot of noise
B. No, I didn’t hear a thing
C. Yes, I didn’t hear any noise
D. Yes, I didn’t hear you
[单项选择]He couldn’t go up to Boston until very late due to
A. the trouble with the plane engine.
B. an accident on his way to the airport.
C. a hijacking incident.
D. the awful weather conditions.
[单项选择]I’m very sorry I’m late. I ______ and told you I was coming.
A. ought to phone you B. must phone you
C. ought to have phoned you D. must have phoned you
[单项选择]I went to bed very late that night, ______, early the next morning.
A. at least
B. in a word
C. or rather
D. at most
[填空题]Johnson often worked until very late at night in the hope of______(赶上)the lastest developments in computer technology.
[单项选择]A. He arrived very late. B. He spent two hours going there.
C. He missed the show. D. He showed the woman around the campus.
[单项选择]He ______ to bed very late last night.
A. came
B. slept
C. went
[单项选择]I arrived at the airport so late that I () missed the plane.
A. only
B. quite
C. narrowly
D. seldom
[单项选择]W: I’m terribly sorry I’m late. I had rather a difficult time finding your office.
A. Saying sorry won’ t be enough for being late. You have to account for what you’ ve done.
B. That’ s all fight. Please sit down and I’ll start to ask you a few questions.
C. You needn’ t saying sorry. It’s often the case.
D. Put on your name in the attendance record and go to your work.
[简答题]It was very late__________(突然那个小战士发现远处有一个模糊的黑影在慢慢靠近他).


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