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发布时间:2024-06-11 00:38:39

[填空题]Never ______(我不会放弃我的梦想) even though the whole world are against me.

更多"Never ______(我不会放弃我的梦想) even though"的相关试题:

[单项选择]In 1929 it looked as though the sun would never set on the American economy. For eight years in a row, the U. S. economy had been expanding rapidly. During the Roaring Twenties the typical American family drove its first car, bought its first radio, and went to the movies for the first time. With factories running at capacity, virtually anyone who wanted to work readily found a job.
Under these circumstances everyone was optimistic. In his acceptance address of November 1928, President-elect Herbert Hoover echoed this optimism by declaring: "We in America today are nearer to the final triumph over poverty than ever before in the history of any land... We shall soon with the help of God be in sight of the day when poverty will be banished from this nation. "
The booming stock market seemed to confirm this optimistic outlook. Between 1921 and 1927, the stock market’s value more than doubled, adding billions of dollars to the wealth of American households and businesses.
A. Economy had been expanding rapidly.
B. Stock markets boomed.
C. People could travel by driving their cars.
D. There were noises everywhere.
[填空题]Though he was born disabled,he never felt frustrated, ______(也从未屈服天任何困难).

[填空题]Though he was born disabled, he never felt frustrated, ______(也从未屈服于任何困难).

[单项选择]Nancy Green
Even though my whole family gets up really early, I have always been a night person. I find that’ s my best time to get work done. I like nighttime because everything is calm and I can just write. I feel calmer and more focused at night. There is no pressure. When I read my papers in the morning, I’m always amazed how good they sound.
Brandi Baldasano
I try to use all the small portions of time that I have available. I find that I can finish a lot in fifteen minutes, because I am able to concentrate for that long knowing I have only a few minutes. Those small units of time really add up over a week. Setting small goals seems to help me avoid feeling overwhelmed. I use my calendar as a guide, by writing down what school work I would like to accomplish each day to stay caught up.
Galo Calos
I’ m the king of procrastination. I love to do everything at the last minute, and I really pay the price by being nervous and anxious. I alway
A. Statements As for me, it’ s never too late to learn.
B. Unanticipated occurrence makes my schedule tighter.
C. I admit that I am a night owl.
D. I taste the bitterness from my sports fever.
E. I believe that haste makes waste.
F. I have the ability to deal with high pressure.
G. I can make efficient use of my time.
[单项选择]Pattie Kovars:   Even if my whole family gets up very early, I always like to work at night. I find that’’s my best time to get work done. I like night time because everything is calm and I can just write. I feel calmer and more focused at night. There is no pressure. When I read my papers in the morning, I’’m always amazed how good they sound.   Brandi Baldasano:   I try to make use of all the small portions of time that I have available. I find that I can finish a lot in fifteen minutes, because I am able to concentrate for that long knowing I have only a few minutes. Those small units of time really add up over a week. Setting small goals seems to help me avoid feeling overwhelmed. I use my calendar as a guide, by putting down what school work I would like to finish each day to be caught up.   Galo Arboleda:   I’’m the king of procrastination. I like to do everything at the last minute, and I really pay the price by being nervous and anxious. I always tell myself to stop this p


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