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发布时间:2024-02-08 02:06:48

[填空题]He is running for president, and for him ______ (没有比这次选举更重要的事了) now.

更多"He is running for president, and fo"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The president said that he will do everything he could to be ______ of the faith and trust of the people and to honour the powerful example of Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan.
A. worthy
B. confident
C. faithful
D. confidential
[填空题]What was the problem with him He had ______.
[单项选择]Tell him he should stop ______ and get some sleep.
[A] worry [B] worrying [C] to worry [D] from worrying
[单项选择]Everything he saw was distasteful to him. He hated the blue and white, the hum and heat of the south; the landscape seemed to him as hard and as romantic as a cardboard background on the stage, and the mountain but a wooden screen against a sheet painted blue.
Two roads led out ofthe town; one branched off towards the Ambroses’ villa, the other struck into the country, eventually reaching a village on the plain, but many footpaths led off from it, across great dry fields, to scattered farm-houses. Hewet stepped off the road on to one of these, in order to avoid the hardness and heat of the main road, the dust of which was always being raised in small clouds by carts and ramshackle flies which carried parties of festive peasants, or turkeys swelling unevenly like a bundle of air balls beneath a net.
The exercise indeed served to clear away the superficial irritations of the morning, but he remained miserable. It seemed proved beyond a doubt that Rachel was indifferent to h
A. passionate
B. idealistic
C. quixotic
D. unrealistic
[单项选择]A. He brought food with him when he got on the train.
B. He bought food from the local people on the train.
C. He bought food sold on the platform.
D. He ate in the dining cart of the train.
[单项选择]When he realized I ( ) at him, he ( ) away.
A. looked ; was turning
B. was looking ; turned
C. was looking; was turning
D. looked ; turned
[单项选择]I can’t stand him. He always talks as though he ( )everything.
A. knew
B. knows
C. has known
D. had known
[简答题]When President Wilson left Washington, he enjoyed a prestige and a moral influence throughout the world unequalled in history, His bold and measured words carried to the peoples of Europe above and beyond the voices of their own politicians The enemy peoples trusted him to carry out the compact he had made with them; and the allied peoples acknowledged him not as a victor only but almost as a prophet. In addition to this moral influence, the realities of power were in his hands. The American armies were at the height of their numbers, discipline, and equipment. Europe was in complete dependence on the food supplies of the United States; and financially she was even more absolutely at their mercy. Europe not only already owed the United States more than she could pay; but only a large measure of further assistance could save her from starvation and bankruptcy. Never had a philosopher held such weapons wherewith to bind the princes of this world.

[单项选择]I broke my relationship with him because he always found ______ with me.
A. mistake B. failure C. error D. fault
[单项选择]The policeman stopped him when he was driving home and () him of speeding.
A. charged
B. accused
C. blamed
D. warned
[简答题]The work he was upon would ______ him, he hoped, the fellowship to Oxford.
A. A.allow

[单项选择]People seldom trust him since he usually fails to______his promises.
A. keep to
B. keep on
C. keep off
D. keep up
[填空题]Someone told him that he would get promotion, and ______ (这是多年来他所期望的).
[单项选择]Don’t worry about him. He is ______ a child and he is able to look after himself.
A. no longer
B. any longer
C. no more
D. any more
[单项选择]Nobody likes him because he () to curry favor with the boss.
A. always tries
B. is always trying
C. does always try
D. has always tried
[单项选择]These books were very dear to him and he bought them at ( ) expense when he was studying abroad.
A. considerate
B. considered
C. considerable
D. considering


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