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发布时间:2024-07-04 07:28:22

[填空题] Saving money is the primary way to prepare for the costs of college. Setting (36)________a certain amount of money every month or each payday will help build up a fund for college. If you and your child begin (37)________early, the amount you have to set aside each month will be smaller. In order to set up a savings (38)________, you’’ll need to think about where your child might attend college, how much that type of college might (39)________, and how much you can afford to save. Keep in mind that colleges of the same type have a (40)________of costs and your child may be able to attend one that is less (41)________. You can also pay part of the costs from your earnings while your child is (42)________school. In addition, some federal, state, or other student financial aid may be (43)________, including loans to you and to your child. Finally, during the school year or during the summer, (44)________________. You will also want to think about what kind of savi

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[填空题] Saving money is the primary way to prepare for the costs of college. Setting (36)________a certain amount of money every month or each payday will help build up a fund for college. If you and your child begin (37)________early, the amount you have to set aside each month will be smaller. In order to set up a savings (38)________, you’’ll need to think about where your child might attend college, how much that type of college might (39)________, and how much you can afford to save. Keep in mind that colleges of the same type have a (40)________of costs and your child may be able to attend one that is less (41)________. You can also pay part of the costs from your earnings while your child is (42)________school. In addition, some federal, state, or other student financial aid may be (43)________, including loans to you and to your child. Finally, during the school year or during the summer, (44)________________. You will also want to think about what kind of savi


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