发布时间:2024-08-01 03:51:56

[单项选择]James: Hi, there, Mike. Fancy meeting you here. It’’s ... Allen:_____. James: Oh, I’’m terribly sorry.
A. Mind you, my name is Allen.
B. Hi, nice to meet you.
C. Sorry, but you must be mistaken.
D. Who is Mike

更多"James: Hi, there, Mike. Fancy meeti"的相关试题:

[单项选择]James: Hi, there, Mike. Fancy meeting you here. It’’s ... Allen:_____. James: Oh, I’’m terribly sorry.
A. Mind you, my name is Allen.
B. Hi, nice to meet you.
C. Sorry, but you must be mistaken.
D. Who is Mike

M: Hi, Karen! Fancy meeting you here!
W: Fancy meeting you here, too. Jack! How are you It’s been ages since we met last time!
M: I’m fine, thank you. Seeing you now just reminds me of the good days we spent together in school.
W: Me too. Do you usually come here
M: Right, I enjoy going through secondhand bookstores, don’t you’ It’s interesting to see what people used to enjoy reading. Did you see this old book of children’s stories
W: Some of these books aren’t so old, though. See This mystery was published only six years ago. It cost seventy-five cents. You can’t beat that.
M: Hey! Look at this!
W: What Are you getting interested in nineteenth-century poetry all of a sudden
M: No. Look at the inscription. Someone gave this book as a present, and wrote a note on the inside of the front cover. It’s dated 1893. Maybe it’ll worth something.
A. An old envelope.
B. A photograph.
C. A piece of note.
D. An inscription.

[单项选择]Speaker A. Hello, John. Fancy meeting you here!
Speaker B: ( ).
A. How do you do
B. Hi, Jane. Where are you going
C. Hello, Jane. Haven’t seen you since Christmas.
D. How are you Have you had your meal

Mike: Hi Chris. Do you fancy going for lunch
Chris: ()
Mike: Shall we say twelve thirty
Chris: Alright, see you then.

A. Yeah, I do.
B. What would you say
C. Yeah, why not
D. When shall we say
[单项选择]I didn’t see you at the meeting. If you had come, you _________ our sales manager.
A. would meet
B. would have met
C. will have met
D. had met
[填空题]When you attend a meeting, you should learn what is going on first, and then express your opinions accordingly.

[单项选择]John was later for the business meeting because his flight had been ______ by a heavy storm.
A. kept
B. stopped
C. slowed
D. delayed
[单项选择]You ______ to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do.
A. needn’t to come
B. don’t need come
C. don’t need coming
D. needn’t come

W: Do you enjoy your work Do you enjoy meeting people
M: Yes. Sometimes. I’ve got to be honest. Sometimes.
W: So, some people you like and some you don’t
M: Yeah, it’s like a lot of things, meeting the general public. You get good days, and you get bad days. But I do enjoy the job. I like the freedom of the job, being self-employed.
W: Do you ever get difficult passengers
M: Yes, sometimes.
W: What sort of things do they get up to
M: I would say sometimes a lot of difficult passengers are people who don’t go in cabs a lot and they’re unfamiliar with procedures, especially if you work nights. People drinking or the extras that would be included on the tariff after a certain time of night.
W: You mean they argue with you over money
M: Yes, that can happen. Or the way... the good thing is, people can argue about the way that you go on a certain route because they always know better.
A. A taxi-driver.
B. A bus driver.
C. A policeman.
D. A tourist guide.

[单项选择]You will be meeting her presently.
A. shortly
B. currently
C. lately
D. probably


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