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发布时间:2024-04-02 20:14:35

[单项选择]The university board of trustees deemed it urgent that a new provost()to replace Mr Dannison who had been diagnosed with cancer.
A. be selected
B. should be selected
C. must he selected
D. was selected

更多"The university board of trustees de"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The board deemed it urgent that these files()fight away.
A. had to be printed
B. must be printed
C. should have been printed
D. should be printed
[单项选择]The board deemed it’s urgent that these invitations ______ first thing tomorrow morning.
A. had to be put in the mail
B. must be put in the mail
C. be put in the mail
D. should have been put in the mail
[简答题]You’ve read on the notice board of your university that your friend, Nicholas, has won the honor of "Best Delegate" in National Model United Nations Conference 2014. Write a note of congratulations to him.
[单项选择]Just recently the trustees of Social Security and Medicare issued their annual reports on the programs’ futures. Here’s one startling fact: By 2030 the projected costs of Social Security and Medicare could easily consume—via higher taxes—a third of workers’ future wage and salary increases. We’re mortgaging workers’ future pay gains for baby boomers’ retirement benefits.
This matters because Social Security and Medicare are pay-as-you-go programs. Current taxpayers pay current benefits. Future taxpayers will pay future benefits. Baby boomers’ retirement benefits will come mostly from their children and grandchildren, who will be tomorrow’s workers. Consequently, baby boomers’ children and grandchildren face massive tax increases. Social Security and Medicare spending now equals 14 percent of wage and salary income, reports Elizabeth Bell, a research assistant to Eugene Steuerle of the Urban Institute, Washington, D.C.. Of course, payroll taxes don’t cover all the costs of Social S
A. Young people save from their salaries now to pay for retirement later.
B. The next generation of workers pay for the pensions of current workers.
C. Some property is given as a security for payment of money borrowed.
D. Workers will receive future compensation for a current salary reduction.
Welcome to University of Gothenburg

University of Gothenburg is one of Sweden’s largest and most popular universities.
We are very proud of this and believe that there are several reasons for our popularity. The principal reasons we believe to be the high quality of our education and research and the broad range of courses that we offer. In addition to this, University of Gothenburg provides an attractive and exceptionally (非常) high-standard study environment. Most parts of the university are situated in the city centre and this enriches the city life as well as students’ life.
Gothenburg has a lot to offer its students: it has a rich and varied cultural life with many theatres, concerts and festivals. For those looking for outdoor life, forests and vast recreation (娱乐) areas are not far away from the city centre; the sea and the archipelago (群 岛) are also within easy reach. Industry and commerce are expanding, and have
Stanford University

1 Stanford University,famous as one of northern California’s several institutions of higher learning,is sometimes called "the Harvard of the West. "The closeness of Stanford to San Francisco,a city thirty-two miles to the north, gives the university a decidectly cosmopolitan flavor.
2 The students are enrolled mainly from the western United States. But most of the fifty states send students to Stanford,and many foreign students study here,as well. And standards for admission remain high. Young men and women are selected to enter the university from the upper fifteen percent of their high school classes.
3 Not only because of the high caliber of its students But also Because of the desirable location and climate,Stanford has attracted to its facuhy some of the world’s most respected scholars. The university staff has included many Nobel Prize winners such as Dr. Felix Bloch,Dr. Robert Hofstadter,and D


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