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发布时间:2024-07-08 19:15:42

[单项选择]Peter: Oh, 1 can’t believe it. I am now in London, in England. I see the Big Ben. Big Ben is not the name of a man. It is a very big clock... Oh, I am so happy.
Happy: How are you
Peter: I’m fine, thank you.
Happy: How was your holiday
Peter: It was fun.
Happy: Where did you go
Peter: I went to England.
Happy: How did you go there
Peter: I went by plane.
Happy: What did you do and what did you see
Peter: I saw the Big Ben. The hands are four meters long. And I bought presents for you!
Happy: Oh, thank you. Did you take any pictures
Peter: Yes. Er…Where did 1 put my pictures...
Peter: Oh, it’s a dream!
Peter really went to England that night.
[A] True. [B] False.

更多"Peter: Oh, 1 can’t believe it. I am"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Peter: Oh, 1 can’t believe it. I am now in London, in England. I see the Big Ben. Big Ben is not the name of a man. It is a very big clock... Oh, I am so happy.
Happy: How are you
Peter: I’m fine, thank you.
Happy: How was your holiday
Peter: It was fun.
Happy: Where did you go
Peter: I went to England.
Happy: How did you go there
Peter: I went by plane.
Happy: What did you do and what did you see
Peter: I saw the Big Ben. The hands are four meters long. And I bought presents for you!
Happy: Oh, thank you. Did you take any pictures
Peter: Yes. Er…Where did 1 put my pictures...
Peter: Oh, it’s a dream!
Big Ben is in London, England.
[A] True. [B] False.
[单项选择]Peter can’t speak Chinese and can’t write it, ( ). So Chinese is Greek to him.
A. too
B. also
C. neither
D. either
Old Japanese living alone can now hire a "family" for lunch and a few hours’pleasant talk. Just give them a ring and ask for, say, a daughter, son-in-law and grandchild. They will show up at your door, and greet you happily as if they hadn’t seen you for years.
Some 15 couples have so far hired "families". "We have nearly 80 people on the waiting list."Said the president of the company that offers such services. "What is common about these senior citizens is that they are eager for human love. We are helping them make their dreams come true."
Where once big families with three or more generations living together were common, now numbers are reducing fast. In cities there are very few indeed. Many old people seldom see their families. This may be because the children’s bosses have sent them to a distant city, even abroad, or just b
A. to ask for help when they are ill
B. to realize their big-family dreams
C. to seek love and comfort
D. to strengthen parent-children relations
Watching Microcurrents Flow

We can now watch electricity as it flows through even the tiniest circuits. By scanning the magnetic field generated as electric currents flow through objects, physicists have managed (46) . The technology will allow manufacturers to scan microchips for faults, as well as revealing microscopic defects in anything from aircraft to banknotes.
Gang Xiao and Ben Schrag at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, visualize the current by measuring subtle changes in the magnetic field of an object and (47)
Their sensor is adapted from an existing piece of teclmology that is used to measure large magnetic fields in computer hard drives. "We redesigned the magnetic sensor to make it capable of measuring very weak changes in magnetic fields," says Xiao.
The resulting device is capable of detecting a current as weak as 10 microamperes, even when the wire is buried deep wit
[填空题]Dear Nancy,
Now I am sending you a copy of the final program schedule of the Conference, together with a map of the location of St. Martin’s College.
Please note also that there has been an exchange between meetings. Those meetings for Friday morning will be replaced by those for Saturday afternoon. I hope this will not cause you any problems.
If you are going to present a paper, please let me have an abstract of it as soon as possible. The deadline for the abstract is Monday 23, September.
The entire Conference fee (3 days) is $ 120. You may send the fee to the Conference organizer according to the above address or just pay on arrival. Looking forward to meeting soon.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Johnson
Professor of Collins University
& Organizer of the Conference
Information About a Conference at Collins University
Place of the Conference: (1)
Change in the schedule: Meetings for Friday morning will be h


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