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发布时间:2023-12-16 21:00:02

[单项选择]Wash your hands ______ you eat something.
A. as
B. before
C. when

更多"Wash your hands ______ you eat some"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Wash your hands ______ you eat something.
A. as
B. before
C. when
[单项选择]It’s most important to wash your hands frequently and well - 20 seconds with soap and water -and avoid touching your eyes and nose. Alcohol - based hand gels are also effective. Second, to avoid spreading germs, cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze, preferably using your sleeve or a tissue. And third, if you’re sick or your child is sick, stay home until the fever has gone away for at least 24 hours without the use of fever - reducing medication.
People can avoid spreading germs by
A. washing hands frequently and well.
B. covering mouth when they cough or sneeze.
C. staying away from the population.
D. avoid touching eyes and nose after hand washing.
[单项选择]You () lose your weight () you eat less and exercise more.
A. won’t...if
B. won’t...unless
C. will...unless

W: Why don’t you wash your face and go to bed, Smith It is too late.
M: I have to finish my homework first.

What is Smith doing()
A. He is going to wash his face.
B. He is going to water the flowers.
C. He is doing his homework.
D. He is helping his mother.
What Is Type 1 Diabetes

When you eat, your body takes the sugar from food and turns it into fuel. (46) . Your body uses glucose (葡萄糖) for energy, so it can do everything from breathing air to playing a video game. But glucose cannot be used by the body on its own--it needs hormone called insulin to bring is into the cells of the body.
Most people get the insulin they need from the pancreas; a large organ near the stomach. The pancreas makes insulin; insulin brings glucose into the cells; and the body gets the energy it needs. When a person has Type 1 diabetes, it is because the pancreas is not making insulin. So someone could be eating lots of food and getting all the glucose he needs, but without insulin, there is no way for the body to use the glucose for energy. (47) .
You may have heard older people talk about having diabetes, maybe people of your grandparents’ age. Usually, this is a different ki
[单项选择]Text 2
If you are what you eat, then you are also what you buy to eat. And mostly what people buy is scrawled onto a grocery list, those ethereal scraps of paper that record the shorthand of where we shop and how we feed ourselves. Most grocery lists end up in the garbage. But if you live in St. Louis, they might have a half-life you never imagined: as a cultural document, posted on the Internet.
For the past decade, Bill Keaggy, 33, the features photo editor at The St. Louis Post-Dispatch, has been collecting grocery lists and since 1999 has been posting them online at www. grocerylists, org. The collection, which now numbers more than 500 lists, is strangely addictive. The lists elicit twofold curiosity-about the kind of meal the person was planning and the kind of person who would make such a meal. What was the shopper with vodka, lighte
A. Buying what it is scrawled on the paper.
B. Recording the shorthand of where we shop.
C. Throwing it into the dustbin.
D. Posting it on the Internet.
[单项选择]If you are what you eat, then you are also what you buy to eat. And mostly what people buy is scrawled onto a grocery list, those ethereal scraps of paper that record the shorthand of where we shop and how we feed ourselves. Most grocery lists end up in the garbage. But if you live in St. Louis, they might have a half-life you never imagined: as a cultural document, posted on the Internet.
For the past decade, Bill Keaggy, 33, the features photo editor at The St. Louis Post-Dispatch, has been collecting grocery lists and since 1999 has been posting them online at www. grocerylists, org. The collection, which now numbers more than 500 lists, is strangely addictive. The lists elicit twofold curiosity-about the kind of meal the person was planning and the kind of person who would make such a meal. What was the shopper with vodka, lighters, milk and ice cream on his list planning to do with them In what order would they be consumed Was it a he or a she Who had written "Tootie food, ki
A. Dan Quayle is not alone in misspelling
B. fewer people can spell bananas and bagels correctly
C. misspelling occurs most frequently in writing "potato"
D. some people misspell "sushi" for "suchi", and "shrimp" for "strimp"


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