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发布时间:2024-07-31 01:58:26

[单项选择]Up until that time, his interest had focused almost ( ) on fully mastering the skills and techniques of his craft.
A. restrictively
B. radically
C. inclusively
D. exclusively

更多"Up until that time, his interest ha"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Up until that time, his interest had focused almost ______ on fully mastering the skills and techniques of his craft.
A. restrictively
B. radically
C. inclusively
D. exclusively
[填空题]Until then, his family()(not hear) for a long time.
[填空题]Palmer focused on his main interest in the habit formation of foreign language ______ patterns.
[单项选择]He had been (forced) to give up much of his time to housework.
A. compelled
B. demanded
C. determined
D. required
[单项选择]Until recently, I had little idea what palm oil (棕榈油) is and why some people consider it one of the most controversial ingredients found in nearly half of our supermarket products. But when I found out why people were upset, I was moved to take action.
The Southeast Asian country of Indonesia is the world’s biggest exporter of palm oil, which has been both a blessing and a curse. It’s a massive industry, providing income for thousands of workers, but palm oil is also the largest driver of the mass destruction of Indonesia’s rain forests. The consequences of this destruction are significant: the loss of biodiversity, conflicts with communities who depend on the forest for their own livelihoods, and increasing emissions of greenhouse gases that cause climate change.
Forests are home to countless species. There are as few as 400 Sumatran tigers left in Indonesia, and their time on earth is running out. Greenpeace has released research showing that the expansion of oil palm and p
A. Because every coin has two sides, without the exception of export of palm oil.
B. Because it is both a stimulation of economy increase and climate warming.
C. Because it both makes contribution to climate improvement and economy decline.
D. Because it is both the driver of large income and huge destruction of forests.
[单项选择]Until then, his family () from him for six months.
A. didn’t hear
B. hasn’t been hearing
C. hasn’t heard
D. hadn’t heard
[单项选择]Eventually Doctor Brown had to give up his experiments()nobody would understand him and support him financially.
A. for the reason of
B. because the reason is
C. for the reason that
D. because of the reason why
[单项选择]Until then, his family______from him for six months.
A. didn’t hear
B. hasn’ t been hearing
C. hasn’ t heard
D. hadn’ t heard


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