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发布时间:2024-03-03 04:48:24

[单项选择]Mr. Milton founded the voucher programs at the age of( ).
A. 50.
B. 53.
C. 43.
D. 33.

更多"Mr. Milton founded the voucher prog"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The target of the voucher programs is( ).
A. to improve American education.
B. to cause competition among schools.
C. to support children in poor families.
D. to support disabled children.
[单项选择]Milton: The telecommunications revolution is taking place all over the world today. It will also greatly improve the living standards of the people in the developing countries. With modern communication, these places are rapidly acquiring up-to-date telecommunications that will let them promote both internal and foreign investment. On one hand, this will provide numerous job opportunities for them. On the other hand, with the convenience of communication, people can easily contact the outside world. By means of the internet, people can get to know everything that is happening in every corner of the world. Lucy: I quite agree. It is also the case in the cities. Many urban centers and industrial zones are stepping directly into the information age. These places afterwards become information centers and manufacturing centers. Computer terminals in public buildings and subway stations are set up with which people can get any information ranging from traffic service to weather
[单项选择]When was Belfast founded
A. In 1177.
B. In 1315.
C. In the 16th century.
D. In the 17th century.
[单项选择]This company was founded
A. in Turnbull in 1846.
B. in Leith in 1969.
C. in Leith in 1846.
[填空题] Age Structures in Mexico and Sweden
Age structure refers to the percentage of the population in different age
(1) ______Mexico’s age structure is quite different from Sweden’s in (1) ______
that the former is like a (2) ______with a wider base. In Sweden, the age (2) ______
structure is shaped like a rectangle, which results from a(n) (3) ______ (3) ______
birth rate and low death rate in early and middle age. In Mexico, the
population is expanding rapidly. In Sweden, the population is stable in size
with a(n) (4) ______distribution. (4) ______
The Effects of Different Age Structures..
—Age structures affects population growth:
a) A country with a larger percentage of people at the bottom of the
pyramid will have a (5) ______population growth rate. (5) ______
b) a larger proportion of women of (6) ______age results in a faster (6) ______
population growth.

[单项选择]When was the college founded
A. 1990.
B. 1925.
C. 1952.
D. 1950.
[单项选择]The AGE represents
A. major graduate employers.
B. recruitment executives.
C. small and medium-sized companies.
[填空题]Ever since Milton Friedman"s address to the American Economic Association in 1968 and the ensuing theoretical work by Robert Lucas and others in the 1970s, the rising long-term inflation expectations have inexorably led to higher inflation. 【K1】______This summer the European Central Bank followed through with a rate hike. In the US, the Federal Reserve is nervously eyeing the latest jumps in producer and consumer prices. Evidence of long-term inflation expectations can be gleaned from breakeven inflation rates on index-linked bonds. Surveys of consumers suggest their expectations for inflation have risen as well. For example, the University of Michigan asks Americans where they think inflation will be over the next 5-10 years. Two years ago they said it would be 2. 9 per cent. Earlier this summer the tally spiked to a more worrisome 3. 4 per cent. Soaring prices for energy and food are mostly to blame. However, as Friedman pointed out, inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon. The central question is not about inflation expectations. Nor is it about commodity prices, however quickly they may be rising. 【K2】______That is where the story gets more complicated. Are monetary conditions easy Is there spare capacity In the US, slack is appearing in the economy, as seen in rising unemployment, now up to 5. 7 per cent. Negative real interest rates suggest monetary conditions are easy. But the Fed"s own surveys suggest that bankers are less willing to lend; consumers less willing to borrow. Low real interest rates are a manifestation of economic and financial malaise, not excessive monetary accommodation. 【K3】______. So, what are we to make of higher inflation expectations in the US and western Europe Investors and households seem to believe energy and food prices will continue to rise. But will other prices and wages automatically follow suit 【K4】______Perhaps that is why consumer confidence has plummeted on both sides of the Atlantic. In short, households may say they expect higher inflation, but there is little they can do about it. The reality is they are experiencing falling real incomes and pinched balance sheets. That is hardly the stuff of overheating. The Friedman-Lucas emphasis on inflation expectations was a model suited to different times. Central bankers no longer try to ramp growth by springing inflation surprises on unwitting workers. Unionization has declined, automatic cost-of-living adjustments are rare, globalization has reduced pricing power for most companies and bargaining power for most workers. Today, advanced economies are confronted with stagnating growth, collapsing housing markets, slowing world trade, stressed financial systems, and weak household balance sheets. This is not the 1970s. 【K5】______We should therefore be skeptical of the case for tighter monetary policies based on models developed in, and better suited for, a bygone era. Choose the following sentences marked A to E to complete the above article. Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. A. Altogether, the case for accelerating US inflation looks weak in the face of below-trend growth and stuttering credit conditions B. Broad-based price and wage inflation is unlikely today C. And so, dutifully, central bankers in the US, UK, euro-zone and even in some emerging economies have spoken reproachfully in recent months about signs that inflation expectations are moving up D. Rather, inflation is determined by the interplay between monetary conditions and capacity in the economy to grow without pushing most prices higher E. Stagnating growth and tighter credit conditions suggest the opposite【K1】
[填空题]The modern age is an age of electricity. People are so used to electric lights, radios, televisions, and telephones that it is hard to{{U}} (36) {{/U}}what life would be like without them. When there is a power failure, people{{U}} (37) {{/U}}about in faint candlelight, cars {{U}} (38) {{/U}} in the streets because there are no traffic lights to guide them, and food {{U}} (39) {{/U}}. in silent in refrigerators. Yet people began to understand how electricity works only a little more than two centuries ago. Nature has{{U}} (40) {{/U}}been experimenting in this field for millions of years. Scientists are discovering more and more that the living world may hold many interesting {{U}} (41) {{/U}} of electricity that could benefit {{U}} (42) {{/U}} All living{{U}} (43) {{/U}}send out tiny pulses of electricity.{{U}} (44) {{/U}} The brain, too, sends out brain waves of electricity, which can be recorded in an electric device. {{U}}(45) {{/U}}—often so small th


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