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发布时间:2024-08-03 04:51:27

[单项选择]Since ancient times, the destructive effects of earthquakes on human lives and property have encouraged the search for reliable methods of earthquake prediction. This challenge remains and modern scientists continue to search for reliable methods to determine the time, place and intensity of individual quakes. One prediction technique involves an analysis of the recurrence (重视) rates of earthquakes as indicators of future activity. Earthquakes are concentrated in certain areas of the world which are subject to constant movements of earth’s plates and it is in these areas that scientists focus their investigations.
This search for pre-earthquake phenomena has received particular attention. In contrast to the ancient Greeks and Romans, who relied on the crying of dogs as a warning sign, modern scientists have focused on physical evidence for a coming earthquake. Evidence of plate strain can be found by measuring relative movements, while chemical changes also offer signals for scien
A. changes in quantity of fluid in rocks can be caused by other factors except strain
B. present scientific instruments are not able to provide precise measurement
C. the electrical properties of rocks also change the fluid capacity of rocks
D. fractures in rocks make accurate measurement absolutely impossible

更多"Since ancient times, the destructiv"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Since ancient times, the destructive effects of earthquakes on human lives and property have encouraged the search for reliable methods of earthquake prediction. This challenge remains and modern scientists continue to search for reliable methods to determine the time, place and intensity of individual quakes. One prediction technique involves an analysis of the recurrence (重视) rates of earthquakes as indicators of future activity. Earthquakes are concentrated in certain areas of the world which are subject to constant movements of earth’s plates and it is in these areas that scientists focus their investigations.
This search for pre-earthquake phenomena has received particular attention. In contrast to the ancient Greeks and Romans, who relied on the crying of dogs as a warning sign, modern scientists have focused on physical evidence for a coming earthquake. Evidence of plate strain can be found by measuring relative movements, while chemical changes also offer signals for scien
A. the improvement in mathematics allows figures to be more accurate
B. this method has been used since ancient times and proved very effective
C. most scientists focus their investigations on the quakes of certain areas
D. continuous plate movements often result in earthquakes in certain areas
[单项选择]Since ancient times people have found various ways to preserve meat.
A. eat
B. cook
C. freeze
D. keep

Since ancient times, people have dreamed of leaving their home planet and exploring other worlds. In the later half of the 20th century, that dream became reality. The space age began with the launch of the first artificial satellites in 1963. A human first went into space in 1963. Since then, astronauts and cosmonauts have ventured into space for ever greater lengths of time, even living aboard orbiting space stations for months on end. Two dozen people have circled the moon or walked on its surface. At the same time, robotic explorers have journeyed where humans could not go, visiting all but one of the solar system’s major worlds. Unpiloted spacecraft have also visited a host of minor bodies such as moons, comets, and asteroids. These explorations have sparked the advance of new technologies, from rockets to communications equipment to computers. Spacecraft studies have yielded a bounty of scientific discoveries about the solar system, the Milky Way Galaxy, and the unive
A. Those explorations.
B. The advance of new technologies.
C. Spacecraft studies.
D. Scientific discoveries.

[单项选择]Since ancient times it has been known that your word is a cause set in motion. In fact, the universe itself is claimed to have emanated from a single primordial sound. In the science of yoga, it is believed that certain Sanskrit words, known as mantras, can bring about magical results, thus you can secure abundance with a certain mantra, peace with another, and so on.
On a more practical level, your word still remains highly potent.
With your words, you can wound someone, sending them into spirals of defeat, and with your words you can heal someone, raising them up from a dismal place to soaring hope and motivation. In fact, the entire field of self-improvement is the transmission of words that will assist others to get a firm perspective and move forward with their lives, fulfilling their dreams and desires.
On a personal level, too, your words affect you. What you say to yourself about anyone or anything affects you, too. If you speak well of someone or something, you
A. words are changeable from time to time
B. words can have great influence on other things
C. the same word can have different meanings for different people
D. words can lead to magic results

(61)Inns have served travelers since ancient times. (62)The emergence of the hotel as a significant commercial institution, however, is a development of the past few centuries and may be traced by, example in the U.S.. The location of hotels has always been related to the transportation available. During colonial times hotels were usually situated in seaport towns, but by the end of the 18th century, when the coach had increased travel within the U. S., many inns and hotels were constructed to offer lodgings along highway routes. (63)After the construction of railroads in the 19th century, larger hotels were built near railroad stations to accommodate railway travelers. (64)Standards of service and comfort rose appreciably and in the larger cities the types of lodging offered by certain hotels became luxurious. The old Waldorf- Astoria Hotel in New York City and the Brown Palace in Denver, Colorado, were among the first such luxury hotels, but


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