发布时间:2024-05-31 22:14:32

A. 2000
B. 1600
C. 1800
D. 2100
E. 以上都不对


A. 75
B. 55
C. 45
D. 35
E. 25
A. 12,10
B. 10,8
C. 15,12
D. 20,15
[判断题]中央铁路运营业务的纳税人为铁道部,合资铁路运营业务的纳税人为合资铁路公司,地方铁路运营业务的纳税人为地方铁路管理机构,基建临管线运营业务的纳税人为基建临管线管理机构。( )
[单项选择]The structure of primary schooling in Australia varies between states and territories. The primary level consists of six or seven years. In some states, it is preceded by a kindergarten or preparatory grade.
The following subjects are common to primary schools in all systems: English, mathematics, social studies, arts (including music, art, craft and drama) and health (including physical education and personal development).
The junior secondary years in New South Wales, Victoria, the Australian Capital Territory and Tasmania are Years 7 to 10. In Western Australia, South Australia, Queensland and the Northern Territory, they are Years 8 to 10. Students normally progress to the senior secondary level of Years 11 and 12.
Assessment and certification at the end of schooling (Year 12) is by continuous assessment within schools or by a combination of internal school assessment and public examination. These procedures, which vary between the states, also form the basis for qua
A. six years plus a kindergarten grade
B. seven years plus a preparatory grade
C. six years in some states and seven in others
D. primary school years and pre-school years
A. 株州
B. 郑州
C. 武汉
D. 徐州
[判断题]铁路营业里程是指办理客货运输业务的铁路正线总长度。铁路复线计入营业里程。( )
[填空题]Opinions about the changes of family values are varied. Some feel a loss of values like sacrifice, family loyalty, and fidelity will bring the society to serious disorder. Others see a better China emerging with greater choice and maturity.

[简答题]As an important means for preserving knowledge, various literatures have become precious resources for the mankind, which have greatly contributed to the social progress of human race. Professional literatures have been regarded as "intangible assets" of the whole world because they are, on one hand, the summary, generalization, and development of the achievement obtained on the basis of previous experiences or studies, and on the other hand, they have been accumulated and handed down from generation to generation. In this sense, therefore, all kinds of literatures are records of previous research findings and academic achievements, and crystallization of human civilization.
[单项选择]The government has ordered 195 million doses of vaccine, 45 million of which will be delivered by mid - October. But because most people lack prior immunity to the new H1N1 virus, officials expect that two injections will probably be necessary, spaced three weeks apart. Clinical trials are currently underway to confirm whether two shots are actually needed and to determine the optimal dose. Resuhs from those trials will be available in late September or early October. But even after receiving the vaccine, a person will take at least five weeks to develop full immunity.
Two injections of the vaccine will probably necessary because.
A. there are more than enough doses of vaccine for all Americans.
B. people will develop full immunity right after two injections.
C. a single injection will not enable people to develop immunity.
D. most people lack prior immunity to the new H1 N1 virus.

Most employers are looking for employees with a variety of interests who have more to offer than a paper qualification.
A. 多数雇主正在寻找各种各样的雇员,而且这些雇员除了提供一张纸以外还能提供更多的东西。
B. 多数雇主寻求的是那些兴趣广泛的雇员,这种人除了一纸文凭以外还能提供更多的东西。
C. 多数雇主寻求的是那些兴趣广泛的雇员,这种人除了能提供一张纸以外还能提供更多的东西。
D. 多数雇主正在寻找各种各样的雇员,他们的兴趣广泛,而且除了能提供文凭外还能提供更多。
[判断题]铁路工程技术专家詹天佑主持修建了第一条由中国人自行设计施工的铁路干线——京张铁路。 ( )


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