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发布时间:2024-06-05 22:15:44

[单项选择]Passage One
A. They encourage more homeless people.
B. They are a safety hazard.
C. They take up parking spaces.
D. They destroy the neighborhoods.

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[单项选择]Passage Three
Today more and more people go to websites when looking for information. Although most readers go to websites for news and e-mail, a form of person-to-person news, or in the form of chatting, they also read books on the web. It’s called electronic book (e-book).
Electronic books could revolutionize reading, but people ought to consider their far-reaching impacts as well. "The e-book promises to cause a slow tragedy on life as we know it," Jason Ohler, professor of technology assessment, university of Alaska Southeast In Juneau, warned the World Future Society, Bethesda, Md. His assessment weighed the pros and cons (赞成和反对的理由) of e-book technology’s impact on social relationships, the environment, the economy, etc. Before you curl up (蜷曲) with an e-book, consider the disadvantages.
They increase eyestrain due to poor screen r
A. They are unable to be broken down into harmless products.
B. They consume a lot of natural resources.
C. They produce harmful gases.
D. They are capable of being reused.
[单项选择]Passage ThreeA. To encourage innovation. B. To recruit qualified mechanics.
C. To enhance productivity. D. To discourage laziness.
[单项选择]Passage Two
More American mothers than ever are working, and more workers are mothers. Yet their march into the world of paid work continues to cause suspicion. One recent survey found that 48 percent of Americans believe that preschoolers suffer if their mothers work, while another found that 42 percent of employed parents think that working mothers care more about succeeding at work than meeting their children’s needs.
All mothers deserve our support--those who care for children at home and those who have joined the work force. But many working mothers continue to believe that they are shortchanging (少找钱)their children. They shouldn’t. Research tells us that kids do just fine when mothers work.
Suzanne Bianchi a scientist of the University of Maryland, has found that mothers today spend as much if not more time with their children tha
A. now more American mothers are working than any time in American history and anywhere else in the world
B. more than half Americans think that before going to school, children need their mothers’ whole-hearted care
C. a majority of Americans believe that once working outside home mothers think of their own work more than their children
D. more American mothers work than ever before, but this problem of working mothers has not been solved satisfactorily
[单项选择]Passage Five
More than a year has passed since the space shuttle Columbia broke into pieces over central Texas. This past January President Bush announced a long-term program of space exploration that would return human beings to the Moon, and thereafter send them to Mars and beyond. As this magazine (Natural History) goes to press, the twin Mars Exploration Rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, are wowing the scientists and engineers at the rovers’ birthplace--NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)--with their skills as robotic field geologists. JPL’s official rover Web site is being stampeded by visitors. The confluence of these and other events resurrects a perennial debate: with two shuttle failures out of 112 missions, and the astronomical expense of the manned space program, can sending people into space be justified, or should robots do the jo
A. hacked severely
B. clicked frequently
C. closed forever
D. neglected purposely
Passage One
More than a quarter of American children--and half of black children--belong to families too poor to fully qualify for the $1,000-a-year child tax credit, which President Bush signed four years ago and has cited in arguing that his program of sweeping tax cuts helps low-income families, a new study has found. With an annual value of $47 billion, the credit is the government’s largest children’s subsidy and one that has provoked sharp partisan fights. Many conservatives, viewing it solely as a tax cut, want to reserve the credit for families that owe federal income tax. Many liberals, vie-wing it as a broader children’s allowance, want to extend it to poorer workers, who they say need it most.
Still, the study found that the families of 19.5 million children were too poor to receive the full $1,000 benefit. About half get a p
A. Len Burman.
B. Mr. Mitchell.
C. Newt Gingrich.
D. Ms. Snowe.


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