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发布时间:2023-10-15 21:31:22


{{B}}TEXT A{{/B}}

Everyone is familiar with the cry of the director who is about to shoot a scene for a new movie. "Quiet on the set!" is the command. When all is ready, the next order is "Action!" Then the actors begin to play their roles in the setting that has been made for them.
Before they have gotten this far, however, great pains have been taken to set the scene just the way the director wants it. The reason such care is taken to set a scene is that the setting must do a great deal for the viewers when the movie is completed.
Think for a moment about a movie or television show you have seen recently. As soon as the show begins, you get some very distinct impressions. From the way people dress, the way they live, and the vehicles they ride in, you know at once where you are and if the story takes place in the present or in the past. If it’s a bright, sunny day in a park, you will tend to feel bright and s
A. the shooting of a movie
B. the arrangement of the setting before shooting a movie
C. the importance of setting in movie-shooting
D. the influence of setting on your mood

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{{B}}TEXT A{{/B}}

Everyone is familiar with the cry of the director who is about to shoot a scene for a new movie. "Quiet on the set!" is the command. When all is ready, the next order is "Action!" Then the actors begin to play their roles in the setting that has been made for them.
Before they have gotten this far, however, great pains have been taken to set the scene just the way the director wants it. The reason such care is taken to set a scene is that the setting must do a great deal for the viewers when the movie is completed.
Think for a moment about a movie or television show you have seen recently. As soon as the show begins, you get some very distinct impressions. From the way people dress, the way they live, and the vehicles they ride in, you know at once where you are and if the story takes place in the present or in the past. If it’s a bright, sunny day in a park, you will tend to feel bright and s
A. Graveyard.
B. A district with unrepaired houses.
C. Ancient buildings.
D. Low-hanging clouds.
[单项选择]We are excited to learn that everyone can visit the newly-built museum for free.
A. 听说每个人都可以免费参观新建的博物馆,我们都很兴奋。
B. 令我们兴奋的是可以自由自在地从修缮~新的博物馆里学东西。
C. 一听说知道每个人都可以参观修缮一新的博物馆,我们便毫无顾忌地兴奋起来。
D. 了解到每个人都可自由参观新落成的博物馆时,我们都很兴奋。
Everyone ought to know that the world is in danger. It is hoped that every government should act quickly in order to conserve (保护) nature. Here is one example of the problem. At one time there were 1,300 different plants, trees and flowers in Holland, but now only 866. The others have been destroyed by modem man and his technology. We are changing the earth, the air and the water, and everything that grows and lives~ We cannot live without these things either.
What will happen in the future Perhaps it is more important to ask "What must we do now " The people who will be living in the world of tomorrow are the young of today. A lot of them know that conservation is necessary. Many are helping to save our world. In some countries young people spend their spare time as "conservation volunteers". They plant trees, build bridges acro
A. every government is conserving nature
B. people are changing the earth
C. people’s technology is good to nature
D. we can live without plants, trees and flowers
{{B}}TEXT B{{/B}}

Anniversaries are the opium of museums, publishers, theaters and opera houses. Fixing their eyes on some round-number birth or death date of a major creator, they start planning to cash in years before. For 2006, birthdays are the winning numbers: Rembrandt’s 400th; Mozart’s 250th; and the 100th for Samuel Beckett and Dmitri Shostakovich.
The Dutch have organized a score of Rembrandt shows, starting appropriately with an exhibition based around his mother in the town of his birth, Leiden. Mozart’s music will be heard more than usual in churches, concert hails and opera houses around the world, with his birthplace, Salzburg, once again trying to compensate for the indifference it showed him during his lifetime.
But do such anniversaries and accompanying celebrations serve much purpose Are they ju
A. Mozart’s music used to be only played in church
B. Mozart’s music has always been welcomed by people
C. Rembrandt once painted a lot about his mother
D. Rembrandt was brought up by his mother only
[单项选择]{{B}}TEXT B{{/B}}
Most people today think of chocolate as something sweet to eat or drink that can be easily found in stores around the world. It might surprise you that chocolate was once highly treasured.
Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania recently released a study. It suggested that people in Central and South America first gathered the cacao plant much earlier and for a different use than experts once thought. The researchers examined the chemistry of substances found in ancient clay containers that were over three thousand years old. They discovered that the substance came from an alcoholic drink made from the fruit of the cacao plant. The researchers believe it was the interest in cacao as an alcoholic drink that led to the use of its bitter seeds to make what is now known as chocolate.
A. People first used cacao plants in the same way of today.
B. Chocolate was more expensive in ancient time than today.
C. Maya people first learned to farm cacao plants.
D. Cacao plants were made into an alcoholic drink thousands of years ago.


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