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发布时间:2024-07-31 02:53:49

[单项选择]Mr. Brown knows little Japanese, () he can’t understand the instructions on the bottle of the pills.
A. so
B. or
C. but

更多"Mr. Brown knows little Japanese, ()"的相关试题:

[单项选择]A. A good speaker knows clearly what he needs and wants.
B. A good speaker knows it’s very important to attract the attention of his audience.
C. A good speaker has to give his audience some in-depth views.
D. A good speaker knows how he delivers his speech determines the audience’s feedback.
[单项选择]We buried (埋葬) Donald Brown in May. He was murdered (谋杀) by four men who wanted to rob the supermarket manager he was protecting. Patrolman (巡警) Brown was 61 years old. In just six months he and his wife had planned to retire to Florida. Now there will be no retirement in the sun, and she is alone.
Donald Brown was the second police officer to die since I became Police Commissioner of Boston in 1972. The first was Detective John Schroeder, shot in a pawnshop (当铺) robbery last November. John Schroeder was the brother of Walter Schroeder, who was killed in a bank robbery in 1970. Their names are together on the honor roll (光荣榜) in Police Headquarters.What will the author probably suggest in the following passage
A. Handguns are the cause of violent crime.
B. Handguns are a dangerous weapon.
C. American people’s right to own and enjoy guns should be respected.
D. Only police officers should possess guns.
[简答题]He knows he’ll have to report the accidents but he just keeps ______________________ (推迟).
[单项选择]How many languages can he speak
A. One.
B. Two.
C. Three.
[单项选择]Speaker A: Excuse me, Mr. Brown, but can I speak to you for a moment
Speaker B: ( ).
A. Sorry, what would you like to speak to me about
B. Well, I’m afraid we have to find some other time. I’m fully occupied now.
C. Yes, can you wait until the meeting is over
D. It’s a pleasure. Will you sit down
[单项选择]How can he do so much work He ( ) stay late at the office every evening and take work home at weekends.
A. need
B. can
C. might
D. must
[填空题]No one knows where he came from. There is something (mystery)()about his family background.
[单项选择]When a man knows that he will be put into prison if he uses a potentially deadly object to rob or do harm to another person, he will think twice about it.( )
A. passive
B. lifelong
C. unhappy
D. fatal
[填空题]When one knows that he or she has to stay up late in the evening, he or she should sleep extra hours ahead of it.

[单项选择]When can he share in the company’s bonus scheme
A. After one year.
B. After six months.
C. After two years.

Raymond Arth knows he should feel better about the economy. His company hasn’t returned to its pre-recession revenues selling its wares to the makers of RVs and manufactured homes, but it is making a profit again. Like too many other small-business proprietors, Arth doesn’t fully trust this economic recovery. While he says he’s "guardedly optimistic" about it, his actions are all about the first half of that phrase,
In the Labor Department’s latest snapshot of the country’s job market, the private sector added 268,000 jobs in April, the largest gain in five years and the third consecutive month of solid job growth. Yet a more sobering account of where the economy might be headed—and arguably a more accurate barometer of the near-term future—is the monthly report published by the National Federation of Independent Business. After all, it’s small businesses, which have created two out of every three new jobs the econ
A. more optimistic about the recovery
B. less optimistic than Scott Lipps
C. sure that recovery is on the way back
D. confident that he will not cut his workforce


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