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发布时间:2023-12-20 01:51:50

[单项选择] Charter SchoolsA. farmers B. workers C. teachers D. soldiers

更多"Charter SchoolsA. farmers B. wo"的相关试题:

Charter Schools
A. farmers B. workers C. teachers D. soldiers
[单项选择]The Great Charter (Magna Charter) was signed by ( ) in 1215.
A. King Henry Ⅱ
B. King John
C. King William
D. King Richard
[单项选择]A. Farmers relied less on imports.
B. Farmers became more dependent on bank loans.
C. The costs for shipping farm products by train increased.
D. Prices for farm products went up.
[简答题]cross trait charter flights
[填空题]Compared with the workers before 1940s, workers in the 1990s earn more, work shorter hours, and are given ______.
Clerical Workers Operatives
Male $13,000 $ 9,500
Female $ 9,000 $ 8,500
In which occupation do females earn more than males

A. Operatives
B. Clerical
C. None of the occupations liste
[单项选择]Why was Michael Geisen chosen as the National Teacher of the Year( )
A. He wrote his own textbooks.
B. He made students interested in their studies.
C. He helped the students increase their scores.
D. He made school activities creative.
[填空题]How many reactions could you have towards the teacher’s report
[简答题]Name at least five techniques a Direct Method teacher usually uses.
[填空题]A new website, www.workers.gov connects workers and their families to government services and information.

[判断题]In-service training is very helpful for older teachers.
[简答题]A: What is important when… Choosing a teacher for business English course · experience of teaching · experience of working in a company · tuition B: What is important when… Selling in a hard market · quality of the product · relationship · service
[单项选择]In a recent experiment, a high school English teacher interspersed real, commonly used proverbs with several nonsensical proverbial-sounding statements that he had made up. He then asked his students to evaluate all of the statements on the list. In general, the students found the bogus proverbs and the real proverbs to be equally full of wisdom and meaning. The teacher concluded that proverbs attain their status as proverbs more through frequent usage than through their inherent wisdom.
Which one of the following, if true, would most effectively challenge the teacher’s conclusion
A. Some proverbs are used more frequently than others.
B. There were more real proverbs than bogus proverbs in the list of statements.
C. There are stylistic differences between proverbial and proverbial-sounding statements.
D. Some students view a statement in one way and other students view the same statement in a very different way.
E. (E) The students selected as evaluators were too inexperienced to judge the wisdom of the statements.

When I was still an architecture student, a teacher told me, "We learn more from buildings that fall down than from buildings that stand up." What he meant was that construction is as much the result of experience as of theory. Although structural design follows established formulas, the actual performance of a building is complicated by the passage of time, the behavior of users, the natural elements--and unnatural events. All are difficult to simulate. Buildings, unlike cars, can’t be crash-tasted.
The first important lesson of the World Trade Center collapse is that tall buildings can withstand the impact of a large jetliner. The twin towers were supported by 59 perimeter columns on each side. Although about 30 of these columns, extending from four to six floors, were destroyed in each building by the impact, initially both towers remained
A. We should wear seat belts while driving.
B. We should build low buildings just as we should drive slowly.
C. We should make building tall buildings illegal.
D. We should pay for safety while constructing tall buildings.


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