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发布时间:2024-02-25 19:03:30

[单项选择]What was the good news for scientists
A. The underground oil resources have not been affected.
B. Most of the desert animals and plants have managed to survive.
C. The oil lakes soon dried up and stopped evaporating.
D. The underground water resources have not been polluted.

更多"What was the good news for scientis"的相关试题:

Scientists Make Sweet Discovering

Good news for chocoholics: the treat preferred by millions all over the world is good for you, according to American researchers at the University of California. Chocolate contains substances called flavonoids that can help maintain a healthy heart and good circulation. The researchers have discovered that cocoa acts like aspirin and that eating a bar of chocolate has also been shown to release endorphins in the body: these chemicals help to reduce pain and stress and make you feel happy.
The Olmec Indians of Mexico and Central America were the first to grow cocoa beans, in about1500 BC, and the Mayas were drinking unsweetened coca hundreds of years before it became fashionable in Europe.
In 1544, a delegation of Mayan nobles visited Philip of Spain and gave him jars of cocpa as a gift. Cocoa soon became fashionable in Spain and Portugal. The Spanish were the first to add sugar to their cocoa dr
A. It reduces pain and stress.
B. It contains substances called flavonoids.
C. It releases endorphins in human body.
D. It acts like aspirin to protect heart.
[单项选择]What’s the good financial news they are talking about( ).
A. Winning a fortune in the lottery.
B. Getting a pay rise of 5%.
C. Getting an hour for free.
D. The bosses permission for holidays.

M: Hi. I have some good news for you.
W: What is it
M: The teacher suggested that we go on a trip this Saturday.
W: Oh, wonderful. Where shall we go
M: How about going to the park
W: I don’t think it’s a good place to go. We can go there another time. We should go farther away this time.
M: Where do you think we should go then
W: How about the reservoir in the suburbs
M: I don’t think it’s a good idea. It’s not safe. Why not go to the mountains instead
W: That sounds good. Let’s go to the mountains to the south of the city.

What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers ()
A. Teacher and student.
B. Classmates.
C. Father and daughter.
D. Mother and son.
[单项选择]Social scientists distinguish between what are known as treatment effects and selection effects. The Marine Corps, for instance, is largely a treatment-effect institution. It is confident that the experience of undergoing Marine Corps basic training will turn you into a formidable soldier. A modeling agency, by contrast, is a selection-effect institution. You do not become beautiful by signing up with an agency.
At the heart of the American obsession with the Ivy League is the belief that schools like Harvard provide the social and intellectual equivalent of Marine Corps basic training—that being taught by all those brilliant professors and meeting all those other motivated students and getting a degree with that powerful name on it will confer advantages that no local state university can provide, and even an Ivy Leaguer will make far more money in the future.
It is quite possible that the student who goes to Harvard is more ambitious and energetic and personable than th
A. everyone will become much braver after being trained in the Marine Corps
B. everyone will become more beautiful after being trained in a modeling agency
C. everyone will become more active after being trained in a modeling agency
D. everyone will become smarter after being trained in the Marine Corps
[单项选择]People who own dogs often remark on what good company they are and what fun they have together.()
A. 拥有狗的那些人经常评论说狗是多么好的朋友,和它们一起有很多乐趣。
B. 养狗的那些人经常说他们的狗是多么好的伙伴,同它们玩多么有趣。
C. 有狗的人常谈论他们的狗是他们的好伙伴,和狗在一起他们很开心。
D. 养狗的人常说狗是他们的好朋友,同它们玩很有趣。
[简答题] What Makes a Good Secretary Good secretaries should: Be intelligent and clear-thinking. There is a myth that any idiot can be a secretary, but anyone who has ever had to act as one will confirm that to do the job properly demands intelligence. For one thing, there are so many different tasks to keep in mind; for another, because the Chair as well as the members rely so much on the secretary, he or she has to do a lot of their thinking for them before, during and after the meeting. 1 Have a good memory Secretary has to remember what has happened before the meeting, e.g. at a previous meeting, what happens at the meeting itself (aiding their memories by taking notes), and what has to be done after the meeting. They should also remember personal details about the members of the meeting in case the Chair requires them. Their memory of previous hostilities, conflicts and conspiracies can be very helpful, especially to a new Chair. 2 Be good at,


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