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发布时间:2024-01-09 20:55:55

[单项选择]We have already represented several other manufacturers and believe you will allow us to give you similar services()
A. 我们已是其他几家厂商的代理,深信也能为贵公司效力。
B. 我们已经代理了其他几家厂商,相信您也允许我们为您提供代理服务。
C. 我们已代表了另外几家厂商,深信您也允许我们提供类似的服务。
D. 我们已是其他厂商的利益代表,深信也将是贵公司利益的忠实拥护者。

更多"We have already represented several"的相关试题:

[填空题]Several of her articles have already been accepted for()(public).
[填空题]It’ s 6 o’ clock already. We have (bare) ______ enough time to catch the train.

[填空题]Several studies have established that wind energy produces more Jobs per dollar invested or per kilowatt-hour generated than______.

[单项选择]Several complaints have been received from customers who have been sent the correcl orders with the wrong invoices and wrong orders with the correct invoices.
A. 从客户中已经收到一些投诉,他们被送到具有错误发票的正确订货和具有正确发票的错误订货。
B. 我们已收到那些正确订货和错误发票或错误订货和正确发票的客户的投诉。
C. 我们收到了不少客户的投诉说,有的人收到的订货是对的,但发票开错,有的订货有误,但发票没错。
D. 我们收到不少客户的投诉,他们中有的人收到了正确的订货和错误的发票,另一些人收到了错误的订货和正确的发票。

Government department head: We already have a code of ethics that companies doing business with the department are urged to abide by. The fact that virtually all of the companies have agreed to abide by it indicates that it is successful. Therefore, neither stronger ethics regulations nor enforcement mechanisms are necessary to ensure ethical behavior by companies doing business with the department.
Which of the following, if true, casts most doubt on the department head’s conclusion()

A. The code of ethics applies only to companies that do business with the department
B. The code of ethics was instituted only after it was discovered that several companies had committed serious violations of ethics in their business with the department
C. A government investigation found that most of the companies that agreed to abide by the department’s code of ethics are not complying with it
D. A survey of major companies found that several companies stopped doing business with the department because they did not want to agree to abide by the code of ethics
E. A study of codes of ethics for companies found that the codes are most effective when the top executives of companies that agree to abide by them are fully committed to following them
[单项选择]The pollution question as well as several other issues is going to be discussed when the Congress is in ______ again next spring.
A. assembly
B. conference
C. convention
D. session
[单项选择]The problem of pollution as well as several other issues is going to be discussed when the Congress is in()again next spring.
A. convention
B. conference
C. session
D. assembly
[单项选择] Several men have been responsible for promoting forestry as a profession. Foremost was Gifford Pinchot, the father of the professional forestry in America. He was chief of the Forest Service from 1898 until 1910, working with President Theodore Roosevelt to instigate sound conservation practices in forests. Later he was professor of forestry and founder of the Pinchot School of Forestry at Yale University. Another great forester was Dr. Bernard E. Fernow, the first head of the U.S. Forest Service. He organized the first American school of professional forestry at Cornell University.   The foresters of today, like Pinchot and Fernow in the past, plan and supervise the growth, protection, and utilization of trees. They make maps of forest areas, estimate the amount of standing timber and future growth, and manage timber sales. They also protect the trees from fire, harmful insects, and disease. Some foresters may be responsible for other duties, ranging from wildlife protection and wat
A. To describe different philosophies of forestry management
B. To show how the field of forestry has changed in 100 years
C. To argue for the expansion of university forestry programs
D. To introduce the type of work done by professional foresters
[填空题]During the past few years, several bridges have been built and ______ (与该国内地的联系) have been facilitated.
[单项选择]______ said was disputed by several other witnesses.
A. That the man
B. It is the man
C. What the man
D. The man had
[单项选择]Several experts have been called in to( )plan for boating, tennis, refreshments and children’s game in the projected town park.
A. equipment
B. instruments
C. implement
D. facilities
[填空题]Several villages have been()(isolation) by the floods.
[单项选择]______several hypotheses have been advanced for the disappearance of the dinosaur; no conclusive evidence supports any of them.
A. Despite
B. In spite of
C. Although
D. In spite of the fact

There have been several claims to have cloned humans over the past few years. Most have been bogus. But the announcement made this week by Woo Suk Hwang, of Seoul National University in South Korea, and his colleagues, is serious. It is the first to achieve the accolade of publication in a peer-reviewed scientific journal. Dr. Hwang s work appears in Science.
The terminology of human development has become slippery over the past few years, in the hands of both "life-begins-at-conception" propagandists who want to stop this sort of research, and publicity-seeking scientists who have claimed more than they have really achieved. What Dr. Hwang and his team have created is not what developmental biologists would normally refer to as an embryo. But it is a genuine scientific advance. South Korea’s researchers have taken egg cells from volunteer women, removed the nuclei from those cells (which contain only half of the genetic complement required to make a human
A. criticism
B. satire
C. suspicion
D. appreciation


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