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发布时间:2024-05-26 19:55:25


Today my subject is language, or rather the misuse of language. My remarks will, of course, be limited to the English language only. However, they may well apply to other languages also. Why worry about the English language Well, it’s true that English has been developing in scope and color and precision for centuries. It is rich and flexible. Its health is being spoiled by semi-literates with lazy minds and fuzzy thoughts. These semi- literates can’t be grouped under any social classifications. Some are simply the victims of poor education. But a far more influential group occupies important positions in universities, governments and industry, many have degrees attesting to their high intellectual accomplishments. Yet others sit behind type-writers, writing news, advertising copies, speeches, scripts, popular journalism and books.
Part of the linguistic problem is that it’s no easy task to select just the right word or phrase that will precisely convey
A. it spreads fast all over the world
B. it is misused
C. it has been developing in scope and color
D. it is rich and flexible

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Today my subject is language, or rather the misuse of language. My remarks will, of course, be limited to the English language only. However, they may well apply to other languages also. Why worry about the English language Well, it’s true that English has been developing in scope and color and precision for centuries. It is rich and flexible. Its health is being spoiled by semi-literates with lazy minds and fuzzy thoughts. These semi- literates can’t be grouped under any social classifications. Some are simply the victims of poor education. But a far more influential group occupies important positions in universities, governments and industry, many have degrees attesting to their high intellectual accomplishments. Yet others sit behind type-writers, writing news, advertising copies, speeches, scripts, popular journalism and books.
Part of the linguistic problem is that it’s no easy task to select just the right word or phrase that will precisely convey
A. in all social groups and classes
B. only in poor societies
C. in lazy people
D. in writers


M Today my guest is Carolyn Whitcombe, whose business consultancy is now celebrating its tenth anniversary Welcome to the studio, Carolyn.
F Thank you.
M What exactly does your consultancy do, Carolyn
F We provide various business-to-business services, but whereas some consultancies focus on a particular niche, we prefer to have a broader palette. A lot of our clients tend to be small and medium enterprises. It could be someone wanting to know the best sources of finance for their particular business, or a company wanting solutions to a problem; in which case they might ask for recommendations, or commission us to do the work for them.
M Has the company evolved in its ten years of existence
F Oh yes. When we started, companies generally asked us to analyse a particular situation, and write a report. For instance, on what IT system they ought to install to meet their particular needs. These days we’re far more likely to
A. It aims to help companies of a particular size.
B. It offers advice and practical assistance.
C. It concentrates on certain specialities.

[单项选择]I would rather you () today than tomorrow.
A. come
B. came
C. will come
D. to come
[单项选择]Human language is the subject of endless scientific investigation, but the gestures that accompany speech are a surprisingly neglected area. It is sometimes jokingly said that the way to render an Italian speechless is to tie his wrists together, but almost everyone moves their hands in meaningful ways when they talk. Susan Goldin-Meadow of the University of Chicago, however, studies gestures carefully—and not out of idle curiosity. Introspection suggests that gesturing not only helps people communicate but also helps them to think. She set out to test this, and specifically to find out whether gestures might be used as an aid to children’s learning. It turns out, as she told the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), that they can.
The experiment she conducted involved balancing equations. Presented with an equation of the form 2+3+4=x+4, written on a blackboard, a child is asked to calculate the value of x. In the equations Dr. Goldin-Meadow always made the
A. Italians cannot talk with others if they don’t move their hands in meaningful ways
B. gesturing going with speech is rarely chosen as the subject of the scientific investigation
C. human language is much more important than meaningful gestures
D. meaningful gestures are considered to be of help to children’s learning
[单项选择]—Today is my birthday. Can you come to my party tonight
[A] Don’t worry. [B] Sure, I’d love to. [C] No,I don’t know.


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