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发布时间:2023-11-15 18:41:27

[单项选择]One day a woman went into the laundry (洗衣店) (41) . She (42) to see the owner. " (43) What can I (44) you, madam" said a man kindly. He had stood up and looked polite.
"One of your assistants said that this could be cleaned here," said the woman (45) the man. "Just look at (46) done! He’s just made it (47) instead." With these words she threw it across the table. The man (48) and looked at it for a few minutes and then said quietly, "I can’t see what’s (49) these colours, madam. It’s quite OK." "Colours It’s OK" the woman became angrier. "When I (50) here to be cleaned, it bad no colours like those!" she shouted.
A. do with B. do for C. help

更多"One day a woman went into the laund"的相关试题:

[单项选择]One day a woman went into the laundry (洗衣店) (41) . She (42) to see the owner. " (43) What can I (44) you, madam" said a man kindly. He had stood up and looked polite.
"One of your assistants said that this could be cleaned here," said the woman (45) the man. "Just look at (46) done! He’s just made it (47) instead." With these words she threw it across the table. The man (48) and looked at it for a few minutes and then said quietly, "I can’t see what’s (49) these colours, madam. It’s quite OK." "Colours It’s OK" the woman became angrier. "When I (50) here to be cleaned, it bad no colours like those!" she shouted.
A. angry B. angrier C. angrily
[单项选择]Mark Twain was an American writer. One day he went to a city by train. He wanted to see one of his friends them. He was a very busy man. He usually forgot something.
When he was in the train, the conductor asked him for his ticket. Mark Twain looked for his ticket here and there, but he couldn’t find it. The conductor knew Mark Twain. She said, "Show me your ticket on your way back. And if you can’t find it, it doesn’t matter."
"Oh, but it does," said Mark Twain. "I must find the ticket. If I can’t find it, how can I know where I am going /

Mark Twain is ______.
A. a Frenchman
B. an English
C. an American
[单项选择]One day a farmer went out for a walk with his little son. The farmer put on a pair of wrong shoes, one with a thick sole (鞋底) and the other with a thin one. So as he began to walk, he felt very uncomfortable (不舒服). When he was just out of the house, he turned to his son and said, "Why should one of my legs be longer than the other today "
The son looked at his father’s legs carefully as he was walking and then laughed," Oh, no, Daddy, your legs are all right. You have put on the wrong shoes."
The farmer was very happy to hear that and said to himself, "What a clever son I have got!" Then he asked his son to go back and get the other pair of shoes for him. The farmer had only two pairs of shoes.
When the son ran back to the house, he found that the other pair was also a pair of wrong shoes.
He had to return to his father with nothing in his hands and said out of breath (气喘吁吁地), "It’s no use changing them, Daddy! The shoes at home were not a pair, either!/

A. Right.
B. Wrong
C. Doesn’t say.


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