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发布时间:2024-09-06 20:28:43

[单项选择]Tom is immensely curious about everything and as eager to find the answers as if he () dealing with the subject for the first time.
A. is
B. be
C. was
D. were

更多"Tom is immensely curious about ever"的相关试题:

[填空题]Are you curious about the private (46) (life) of actors and pop stars If so, you’re not alone. Every day, the world’s newspapers, magazines, and websites de (47) a constant stream of gossip about the rich and famous. Although it’s sometimes called "junk food news", celebrity gossip is more popular than ever.
Movie stars, athletes, singers, and (48) (politics) are the favorite subjects of the gossip media. Because they’re always in the public eye, some people feel very close to these people. They want to know what they’re doing, what clothes they’re wearing, and who they’re spending time (49) . In offices, chat-rooms, and coffee shops, celebrity news is a common topic of conv (50) .
There’s even a class of (51) ( photo), called " paparazzi, " who follow celebrities around. Wherever stars eat, shop, or travel, the paparazzi are always there, ca (52) cameras in Inand. Some people see this as an (5
[填空题]Are you curious about the private (46) (life) of actors and pop stars If so, you’re not alone. Every day, the world’s newspapers, magazines, and websites de (47) a constant stream of gossip about the rich and famous. Although it’s sometimes called "junk food news", celebrity gossip is more popular than ever.
Movie stars, athletes, singers, and (48) (politics) are the favorite subjects of the gossip media. Because they’re always in the public eye, some people feel very close to these people. They want to know what they’re doing, what clothes they’re wearing, and who they’re spending time (49) . In offices, chat-rooms, and coffee shops, celebrity news is a common topic of (50) cony
There’s even a class of (51) (photo) , called "paparazzi," who follow celebrities around. Wherever stars eat, shop, or travel, the paparazzi are always there, ca (52) cameras in hand. Some people see this as an (53)


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