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发布时间:2023-11-16 06:14:50

[单项选择]Sorry ,we cannot __________ you the job because you don’t have any work experience.
A. make
B. send
C. offer
D. prepare

更多"Sorry ,we cannot __________ you the"的相关试题:

[单项选择]I regret ______ you that we are unable to offer you employment.
A. to have inform
B. having inform
C. to inform
D. informing
[单项选择]A. We cannot beat our competitors because of a staff shortage.
B. We should be prepared to sign the business contract.
C. We sometimes make a deal with one of our rivals.
D. We are happy to see that our rival has gone bankrupt.
[单项选择]As far as we ale concerned, you can go whenever you want.
A. 我们对你很关注,你什么时候走都是可以的。
B. 就我们来说,你们随时都可以走的。
C. 我们对你们很关注,你们去哪里我们都会支持的。
D. 就我们来说,你们去哪里我们也不会干涉的。
[填空题]I cannot go shopping with you because I have an (appoint)()with my dentist this afternoon.
[简答题]We are very grateful to you for your sending us your new catalogue and price list of your products. But we find the product No 3406 is priced much more higher, almost 2 times as high as last year. Could you please explain the reason
You know, we are one of your long-standing customers, and we are willing to continue the business relationship between us on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.
Looking forward to your early reply!

[判断题]We are sorry to inform you that the shipment is not ( ) the standard stipulated in the contract.
A. into B. up to C. according to D. instead of
[简答题]We are very sorry to inform you that your last shipment is not up to your usual standard. We have always been able to rely on the excellent quality of your goods and we are all the more disappointed in this ease because we have to supply these articles to new customers. We ask you to let us know immediately what you can do to help us in overcoming this difficulty.

F: Sorry, we’re late for the show. Can you show us the seats
M: Let me have a look at your tickets. Follow me this way, please.

Where does this conversation most probably take place ( )
A. In a theatre.
B. On the bus.
C. On a train.
[单项选择]"Earlier today you said you were concerned that your son was still upset with you. When I stopped by your room about an hour ago, you and your son seemed relaxed and smiling as you spoke to each other. How did things go between the two of you"
This is an example of which therapeutic communication technique( )
A. Consensual validation
B. Encouraging comparison
C. Accepting
D. General lead
[单项选择]If you are what you eat, then you are also what you buy to eat. And mostly what people buy is scrawled onto a grocery list, those ethereal scraps of paper that record the shorthand of where we shop and how we feed ourselves. Most grocery lists end up in the garbage. But if you live in St. Louis, they might have a half-life you never imagined: as a cultural document, posted on the Internet.
For the past decade, Bill Keaggy, 33, the features photo editor at The St. Louis Post-Dispatch, has been collecting grocery lists and since 1999 has been posting them online at www. grocerylists, org. The collection, which now numbers more than 500 lists, is strangely addictive. The lists elicit twofold curiosity-about the kind of meal the person was planning and the kind of person who would make such a meal. What was the shopper with vodka, lighters, milk and ice cream on his list planning to do with them In what order would they be consumed Was it a he or a she Who had written "Tootie food, ki
A. Dan Quayle is not alone in misspelling
B. fewer people can spell bananas and bagels correctly
C. misspelling occurs most frequently in writing "potato"
D. some people misspell "sushi" for "suchi", and "shrimp" for "strimp"


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