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发布时间:2024-07-25 00:57:30

[填空题]I was greatly impressed by the way he___________________ (表达对这件事的看法).

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[填空题]I was greatly impressed by the way he___________________ (表达对这件事的看法).
[填空题]His (smart) ______ impressed me greatly, and then we started a pleasant chat.
[单项选择]Nanjing has changed so greatly that I think it is ______ a second time.

A. worth visiting
B. worthy visiting
C. worth being visited
D. worthy of visiting
[单项选择]A. Does not greatly improve. B. Greatly improves.
C. Does not improve. D. Is not as good as before.
[单项选择]The older I grow the more impressed I am with the role of luck or chance in life. To be born when and where one finds himself is, of course, from the point of view of the individual pews the sheerest luck of all--good or bad.
There are millions now living in America who would long since have been dead, had they been born or had remained in countries of their parents’ origins. Luck does not determine or explain achievement--merit often plays a preponderant role. This is obvious when we observe the differences in performances among those who have a roughly common environment and are judged by a single, relevant standard. But even to be in a position to be evaluated on one’s merits is a matter of luck or good fortune.
Sometimes those who are qualified, and more often, those who are potentially qualified never get the chance. Sometimes the qualified have the good luck of competing against the poorer qualified or the bad luck of competing against the better qualified-circumstances
A. life span
B. places of birth
C. achievement
D. personal excellence
[单项选择]()I was so impressed by these words that I used them immediately for a Christmas card and later for a moving novel
A. 我被这些话打动了,马上把它们用到圣诞贺卡上,后来又写进一部感人的小说中。
B. 我对这些词汇留下了很好的印象,迅速写到了一张圣诞贺卡上,然后又写了—部动人的小说。
C. 这些语句对我来说印象太深了,以至于我立即把它们用到了圣诞贺卡上,后来又用到了一部感人的小说中,
D. 我记住了这些话语,当场把它们写到圣诞贺卡上,后来又写进一部可以活动的小说中。
[单项选择]— Sorry, am I in your way I’ll move.
— ______.
[A] Oh, well done! [B] Well, that’s my pleasure.
[C] Go ahead. [D] Thank you for your kindness.
[单项选择]I was impressed ()the efficiency of the work done in the company.
A. in
B. about
C. with
D. for
[单项选择]When I was 14 years old and very impressed with my teenage status, I set for myself a very special goal—that to differentiate me from my friends. My goal was a project that I undertook every day after school for several months. It began to when I stealthily made my way into the local elementary school—horror of horrors should I be seen; I was now in junior high. I identified myself as a graduate of the elementary school, and being taken under wing by a favorite fifth grade teacher, I was given a small bundle from a locked storeroom—a bundle that I quickly dropped into a bag, lest anyone see me walking home with something from the "little kids" school.
I brought the bundle home proudly. I walked into the living room, and one by one, emptied the bag of basic reading books. They were thin books with colorful covers and large print. The words were monosyllabic and repetitive. I sat down to the secret task at hand. "All fight," I said authoritatively to my 70-year-old grandmother, "tod
A. She needed to take care of her brother and sister.
B. She needed to take care of the house and acclimating exceptions.
C. She had no time to go to school.
D. She had an American dream.


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