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发布时间:2023-11-05 05:34:49

[单项选择]Aluminum is used in trucks, buses and airplanes. The same is true()its alloys (合金).
A. of
B. to
C. with
D. in

更多"Aluminum is used in trucks, buses a"的相关试题:

[单项选择]A. He used to live in the country. B. He used to work in the city.
C. He works in the city. D. He lives in the country.
[单项选择]The antigen-antibody immunological reaction used to be regarded as typical of immunological responses. Antibodies are proteins synthesized by specialized cells called plasma cells, which are funned by lymphocytes (cells from the lymph system when an antigen, a substance foreign to the organism’s body, comes in contact with lymphocytes. Two important manifestations of antigen- antibody immunity are lysis, the rapid physical rupture of antigenic cells and the liberation of their contents into the surrounding medium, and phagocytosis, a process in which antigenic particles are engulfed by and very often digested by macrophages and polymorphs. The process of lysis is executed by a complex and unstable blood constituent known as complement, which will not work unless it is activated by a specific antibody; the process of pbagocytosis is greatly facilitated when the particles to be engulfed are coated by a specific antibody directed against them.
The reluctance to abandon this hypothesi
A. proteins existed in specific group types
B. proteins could have been shown to direct the synthesis of other proteins
C. antigens were always destroyed by proteins
D. antibodies were composed only of protein
Weight on and off the Earth

We are so used to our life on the surface of the earth that it can be quite an effort for our mind to break free of all the ideas that we take for granted. Because we can feel that things are heavy, we think of "weight" as being a fixed quality in an object, but it is not really fixed at all. If you could take a one-pound packet of butter 4,000 miles out from the earth, it would weigh only a quarter of a pound.
Why would things weigh only a quarter as much as they do at the surface of the earth if we took them 4,000 miles out into space The reason is this: All objects have a natural attraction for all other objects; this is called gravitational attraction. But this power of attraction between two objects gets weaker as they get farther apart. When the butter was at the surface of the earth, it was 4,000 miles from the center. When we took the butter 4,000 miles out, it was 8,000 f
A. 1 pound.
B. 2 pounds.
C. 3 pounds.
D. 4 pounds.

[单项选择]From the report, we can infer that Fallujah used to be________.
A. one of US military bases
B. near the Syrian border
C. an insurgent haven
D. the home of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi
[单项选择]Physics is the present-day equivalent of () used to be called natural philosophy, from which most of present-day science arose.
A. that
B. all
C. which
D. what
[单项选择]The transmission media used t0 build a LAN is (73) .
A. twisted pair
B. microwave
C. optieal fiber
D. satellitic signal
[填空题]American city buses before 1960s didn’t allow black people to sit in the middle of the bus.
[单项选择]From the report, we can infer that Fail, ah used to be ______
A. one of US military bases
B. near the Syrian border
C. an insurgent haven
D. the home of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi
As long as we have been on earth, we have used the sea around us. We take from the ocean and we give (41) it.
We take fish from the ocean — millions of kilograms of fish, every year, to (42) millions of people. We even use (43) bones for fertilizer and meal.
We take (44) from the ocean. One way to get salt (45) sea water in a shallow basin and leave it (46) it evaporates. Along with salt, other minerals are left after evaporation — iodine (碘), magnesium(镁), and bromine(溴), to (47) a few.
Much gold and silver drift (48) in the waters of the sea, too. But the sea does not (49) them up by simple evaporation.
Other gifts from the sea are pearls, sponges(海绵), and seaweed. Pearls become jewelry. (50) sponges become cleaning aids. Seaweed becomes (51) of many kinds —
A. dissolved
B. dissolving
C. being dissolved
D. will dissolve


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