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发布时间:2023-12-14 20:02:37

[单项选择]So you see, you may have different responses () the same stimulus at different times.
A. on
B. at
C. in
D. to

更多"So you see, you may have different "的相关试题:

[填空题]Task 2
Dear friend,
Have you been looking for the Best Free Online on the web, but gotten stymied by all the hype with no substance Have you found yourself wasting time searching and not spending it studying and learning about the IT topics you need to learn
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Save your valuable time and let us find the best online free computer and IT training for you on the web. I know all the tricks and ways of discovering where the most sought- after free learning and training content
[单项选择]If I may be so()as to advise you, my opinion is that you should not reply to his letter.
A. generous
B. humble
C. proud
D. bold
[简答题]Nowadays, we have technology that’s improved so that we can bring people back to life. In fact, there are drugs being developed right now -- who knows if they’ll ever make it to the market — that may actually slow down the process of brain-cell injury and death. Imagine you fast-forward to 10 years down the line; and you’ve given a patient, whose heart has just stopped, this amazing drug; and actually what it does is, it slows everything down so that the things that would’ve happened over an hour, now happen over two days. As medicine progresses, we will end up with lots and lots of ethical questions.
But what is happening to the individual at that time What’s really going on Because there is a lack of blood flow, the cells go into a kind of a frenzy to keep themselves alive.And within about 5 min. or so they start to damage or change. After an hour or so the damage is so great that even if we restart the heart again and pump blood, the person can no longer be viable, because the
You have received an invitation to the birthday party of your friend, Torn. But you can’t attend it. Write a letter to Tom to
1) thank him for the invitation,
2) give reasons why you can’t go,
3) apologize and express your wishes.
You should write about 100 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name. Use "Li Ming" instead. You do not need to write the address.
[填空题]Mu Zimei’s diaries have so bad influence online that net citizens attack her and refuse to read her sex diaries.

[单项选择]John: What plastic products do you have in mind that are easy to recycle
Tom: Shampoo bottles, detergent bottles, medicine bottles, food containers, etc. They are all easily collectable and reusable.
John: ______, but actually I think you are missing the point of recycling. It doesn’t just mean using old bottles again and again for the same purpose. What it means these days is melting the plastics down and building them up again into some completely new product.
A. Not too bad
B. You’re right there
C. Something is wrong
D. It’s a new idea

W: Hi, Tim. It’s surprising to see you in the hospital. You seem to be burnt.
M: Yeah, only a little. Nothing serious.
W: It’s serious enough for you to be in the hospital. What happened to you
M: I had to go into a house that was on fire. There was still a little gift inside.
W: Did you get her out
M: Yes, but I had some trouble breathing and got burnt a little when getting out of the house. So they sent me to the hospital.
W: I should say that your job is really dangerous.
M: Yeah, you may say that. But it’s all part of my job.
W: Haven’t you ever thought of giving up this job
M: Give up No, I love this job. Only a little injury. That’s no big deal.
W: OK. But be careful next time.
M: I see. Thank you so much.

What’s the probable occupation of the man( ).
A. A firefighter.
B. A bodyguard.
C. A policeman.
[填空题]You have to act()(immediate) if you are to save the girl’s life.
[填空题]You have produced so many famous animation characters..__________________(那么你认为一部成功的动画片应该具备哪些要素呢)


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