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发布时间:2024-06-26 20:59:52

[单项选择]A. Go out to eat when the museum closes.
B. Check if the museum cafeteria is open.
C. Leave the museum temporarily.
D. Meet each other later in the day.

更多"A. Go out to eat when the museum cl"的相关试题:

[填空题]When you eat cooked proteins and fats you are eating few carcinogenic products caused by cooking.

As we began to go out to eat more frequently, Peter would ask to go to Howard Johnson’s. I soon discovered the reason for his choice: The photographs, attached in cellophane (玻璃纸)containers to each of the standard items on the menu, could help him not to struggle with the shape of words at all. Howard Johnson’s, whether intentionally or not, had provided the perfect escape for the endangered pride of an adult who was illiterate(文盲).

When he went to a restaurant, Peter would ()
A. pretend that he could not read or write
B. pretend to be studying the menu
C. be desperate for help from other people
D. protect himself by playing a musical instrument
What Is Type 1 Diabetes

When you eat, your body takes the sugar from food and turns it into fuel. (46) . Your body uses glucose (葡萄糖) for energy, so it can do everything from breathing air to playing a video game. But glucose cannot be used by the body on its own--it needs hormone called insulin to bring is into the cells of the body.
Most people get the insulin they need from the pancreas; a large organ near the stomach. The pancreas makes insulin; insulin brings glucose into the cells; and the body gets the energy it needs. When a person has Type 1 diabetes, it is because the pancreas is not making insulin. So someone could be eating lots of food and getting all the glucose he needs, but without insulin, there is no way for the body to use the glucose for energy. (47) .
You may have heard older people talk about having diabetes, maybe people of your grandparents’ age. Usually, this is a different ki
[单项选择]A. Go fishing. B. Eat out. C. Go shopping. D. Buy fish.

When will Frank go home
A. About noon.
B. Not until 2 o’clock.
C. Late in the afternoon.
D. Early the next mornin
[单项选择]When I go out in the evening I use the bike __________ the car if I can.
A. rather than(而不是,宁愿)
B. regardless of
C. in spite of
D. other than(除了)
[单项选择]When can I go to see her
A. On weekends.
B. Whenever I want.
C. Anytime except weekends.
D. When she wants to see me.
[单项选择]When did he go over his lessons
A. At seven o’clock.
B. At eight o’clock.
C. Before eight o’clock.
D. Before seven o’clock.
British Government

When British voters go to the polls during General Elections to decide (51) will govern them they usually have a choice of at least three candidates who will each (52) one of the three main political parties in Britain today.
The Labour Party is the party of (53) , while the Tory Conservative Party the right and (54) the two, with policies and opinions of its own, is the smaller Liberal Party.
Britain is divided into over 600 political units called "constituencies", each with (55) own candidates who stand for Parliament hoping to be elected (or re-elected) with large majorities. The cities and large towns are themselves divided into constituencies and they also choose the Members of parliament (MPs) who will represent their (56) in the houses of Parliament at Westminster. Here, in the "House", the government (57) the day
A. expose
B. impose
C. effect
D. exercise


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