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发布时间:2023-12-01 23:39:22

[单项选择]We’ve already made it clear that we will not ______ to pressure.
A. twist
B. shrink
C. yield
D. settle

更多"We’ve already made it clear that we"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Now that every thing is made clear,we( )despatch next week by rail.
A. would
B. should
C. are arranging for
D. will be for
[单项选择]The amount of greenhouse gases we’ve already pumped into the atmosphere has irreversibly bound us to a certain amount of warming over the next several decades. That means climate change isn’t a problem for tomorrow—the effects are happening now. Already raining patterns seem to be changing, making some drier areas even drier, and rainy regions even wetter. As warmer temperatures creep northward, so do insects and other pests that are adapted to the heat. The population of the tiny mountain pine beetle, which infests pine trees in the Rocky Mountain region, used to be controlled by freezing winters. But as temperatures have warmed over the past decade, the mountain pine beetle’s territory has spread, destroying millions of acres of Canadian pines.
The pine beetle infestation represents the unique challenges that warming will pose for land conservation managers on the front lines of the battle against it. Generations of American conservationists have fought to preserve wildlife and
A. mainly lives in America
B. can hardly survive coldness
C. adapts to extreme weather
D. has no natural enemies
[单项选择]There is already clear______ to show that plants and animals are being affected by climate change.
A. witness
B. certification
C. identity
D. evidence
[填空题]We’ve already sent out the invitation cards, but we don’t know how many people (come) ______.

[简答题]We’ve come a long way with computers already. The interactive children’s toy called a Furby has ten times the processing power of the Apollo command module, and there are now so many microchips in an automobile that Chrysler like to joke that they only bother to put wheels on their cars to stop the computers dragging along the highway. In simple terms, the eighties were shaped by cheap microprocessors and the nineties by cheap lasers; the symbol of the eighties was the IC, and the symbol of the nineties is the web. The next decade Well, that’s going to be shaped by very low-cost, very high-performance sensors. We’re basically going to attach eyes, ears and sensory organs to our computers and ask them to observe and manipulate the physical world on our behalf. Processors and sensors are going to be everywhere: helping McDonalds to keep your French fries consistent the whole world around by embedding networked sensors in their frying machines; telling Coca-Cola when a vending ma

It is clear that we are rapidly becoming a global culture. New forms of information technology, intercontinental travel, and the complex nature of economics are all elements in such a change. Japan, an ancient (1) culture, now dominates the West economically while its own traditional (2) is rapidly becoming (3) in the process.
It does not take a great deal of analysis to see the vast interchanges of cultural influences in the world today. The thirst for (4) fashions, popular music, and the other elements of consumer culture (5) great inroads in non-Western lands while the West seeks out everything from the religious traditions of the Ease (6) the art and music these countries produce. In the field of (7) , to cite one conspicuous example, contemporary readers seek books (8) those of the West. Latin American authors, as well as those from Africa, Asia, and India, now find appreciative audiences.
A (9) c


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