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发布时间:2024-07-27 05:34:23

[单项选择]"YOUTHS Claim Boredom Is Main Cause of Juvenile Crime." declared a headline in a leading British newspaper. "Home Strife Blamed for Rising Crime," said another. And a third stated: "Addictions ’Prompt Thousands of Crimes’." The magazine Philippine Panorama estimated that 75 percent of all violent crimes in Manila were committed by drug abusers. Other factors may also contribute to sparking criminal behavior. "Poverty in juxtaposition to great wealth" is one that was referred to by the Nigerian inspector-general of police. Peer pressure and poor job prospects, the absence of strong legal deterrents, the general breakdown in family values, the lack of respect for authority and law, and the excessive violence in films and videos are also cited. Another factor is that many people no longer believe that crime does not pay. A sociologist at Bologna University in Italy observed that over a period of many years, "the number of thefts reported and the number of persons convicted for th
A. crime decreases are not to be taken seriously
B. minor cases should also be registered
C. administrative changes should be made to curb crime
D. monetary level is an important criterion for judging crime

更多"'YOUTHS Claim Boredom Is Main Cause"的相关试题:

[单项选择]"YOUTHS Claim Boredom Is Main Cause of Juvenile Crime." declared a headline in a leading British newspaper. "Home Strife Blamed for Rising Crime," said another. And a third stated: "Addictions ’Prompt Thousands of Crimes’." The magazine Philippine Panorama estimated that 75 percent of all violent crimes in Manila were committed by drug abusers. Other factors may also contribute to sparking criminal behavior. "Poverty in juxtaposition to great wealth" is one that was referred to by the Nigerian inspector-general of police. Peer pressure and poor job prospects, the absence of strong legal deterrents, the general breakdown in family values, the lack of respect for authority and law, and the excessive violence in films and videos are also cited. Another factor is that many people no longer believe that crime does not pay. A sociologist at Bologna University in Italy observed that over a period of many years, "the number of thefts reported and the number of persons convicted for th
A. thefts have decreased considerably
B. crime does not pay
C. crime rate has risen
D. legal deterrents are not strong
[单项选择]Janet thinks the main cause for this relationship breaking down is
A. lack of staff involvement.
B. lack of communication.
C. lack of positive decision-makin
[单项选择]James believes that the main cause of the problem is
A. a change in consumer tastes.
B. the design of the centres.
C. the economic situation.
[填空题]Heart disease is a main cause of death in developing countries.

[填空题]The automobile is now the main cause of air pollution.

[简答题]What is the main cause of the problem in financing college training


Friendly Advice: The main cause for boys and girls to start drinking or smoking is whether they have friends who do, a National Institute of Health study suggests. Researchers find that school children are likely to do the same things as their five closest friends do, and girls are more likely than boys to give in to pressure to drink. However, the parents’ role makes a difference: Children whose moms and dads talk and listen to them regularly are less likely to smoke and drink.
Crying for a Smoke: New moms are often annoyed by the cries of new-bore babies, but according to one study, there is something they can do about it: Give up smoking. Researchers at a Netherlands organization of scientific research questioned parents of 3,000 babies up to six months old and found that stomachache was three times as likely in small babies whose mothers smoked 15 to 30 cigarettes a day, either before or after their babies were born. No data yet on Dad’s smoking, but it&rs
A. Do researches on drinking and smoking habits.
B. Talk with their children like friends.
C. Put more pressure on boys than on girls.
D. Take advice from their children’s friends.

[单项选择]Smoking in bed has long been the main cause of home fires. Despite a significant decline in cigarette smoking in the last two decades, however, there has been no comparable decline in the number of people killed in home fires. Each one of the following statements, if true over the last two decades, helps to resolve the apparent discrepancy above EXCEPT:
A. Compared to other types of home fires, home fires caused by smoking in bed usually cause relatively little damage before they are extinguished.
B. Home fires caused by smoking in bed often break out after the home’s occupants have fallen asleep.
C. Smokers who smoke in bed tend to be heavy smokers who are less likely to quit smokers than are smokers who do not smoking in bed.
D. An increasing number of people have been killed in home fires that started in the kitchen.
E. (E) Population densities have increased, with the result that one home fire can cause more deaths than in previous decades.
[填空题]The main cause of language extinction has been ______.
[单项选择]What is the main cause of the company’s rising costs
A. Import taxes.
B. Publicity.
C. Premises.


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