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发布时间:2024-02-07 18:40:28

{{B}}TEXT C{{/B}}

Northern marshes are being turned into empty, desecrated mud flat wasteland. The culprit Snow geese.
These marshes are the breeding ground for snow geese. Once destroyed, some fear the species will take over the habitat of the Canada goose —a popular game bird in Minnesota. If this happens, Minnesota hunting and land conditions could be greatly affected.
The snow goose population has been on the rise in the last 25 years, but numbers are hitting an all-time high. This year there is an estimated 4.5 or 6 million birds, triple what the population was 25 years ago.
Although effects of the snow goose invasion aren’t apparent in Minneapolis, northern Minnesota and Canada can clearly see the signs. The population growth is due to the birds’ wintering habits. They fly south to Louisiana, Texas and Mississippi to nest. The conditions and food availability there have made it possible for more birds to s
A. lack of natural enemies
B. great care of wildlife preservationists
C. favorable conditions in their winter habitat
D. changes in their migration patterns

更多"{{B}}TEXT C{{/B}} Northern marshe"的相关试题:

{{B}}TEXT C{{/B}}

Northern marshes are being turned into empty, desecrated mud flat wasteland. The culprit Snow geese.
These marshes are the breeding ground for snow geese. Once destroyed, some fear the species will take over the habitat of the Canada goose—a popular game bird in Minnesota. If this happens, Minnesota hunting and land conditions could be greatly affected.
The snow goose population has been on the rise in the last 25 years, but numbers are hitting an all-time high. This year there is an estimated 4.5 or 6 million birds, triple what the population was 25 years ago.
Although effects of the snow goose invasion aren’t apparent in Minneapolis, northern Minnesota and Canada can clearly see the signs. The population growth is due to the birds’ wintering habits. They fly south to Louisiana, Texas and Mississippi to nest. The conditions and food availability there have made it possible for more birds to s
A. the snow geese will be in danger
B. the agriculture of the area will suffer
C. the Canada geese will replace the snow geese
D. the snow geese may move to breed in Minnesota
[单项选择]Text 4
Placing a human being behind the wheel of an automobile often has the same curious effect as cutting certain fibres in the brain.
The result in either case is more primitive behaviour. Hostile feelings are apt to be expressed in an aggressive way.
The same man who will step aside for a stranger at a doorway will, when behind the wheel, risks an accident trying to beat another motorist through an intersection. The importance of emotional factors in automobile accidents is gaining recognition. Doctors and other scientists have concluded that the highway death toll resembles an epidemic and should be investigated as such.
Dr Ross A. McFarland, Associate Professor of Industrial Hygiene at the Harvard University School of Public Health, said that accidents "now constitute a greater threat to the safety of large segments of the p
A. as though they were uncivilized
B. as though they should change their attitudes from hostility to amicability
C. as though their brain fibres needed cutting
D. as though they wanted repress hostile feelings
Text 1

Nowadays, our society is being reshaped by information technologies—computers, telecommunications networks, and other digital systems. Of course, our Society has gone through other periods of dramatic change before, driven by such innovations as the steam engine, railroad, telephone, and automobile. But never before have we experienced technologies that are evolving so rapidly, altering the constraints of time and space, and reshaping the way we communicate, learn, and think.
The rapid development of digital technologies creates not only more opportunities for the society but challenges to it as well. Institutions of every stripe are grappling to respond by adapting their Strategies and activities. It is no exaggeration to say that information technology is completely changing the relationship between people and knowledge.
But ironically, at the most knowledge-based entities—the colleges and universit
A. Laptop
B. Telephone
C. Telecommunication networks.
D. Digital systems.

As a human being you have the choice of three basic attitudes toward life. You may approach life with the philosophy of the vegetable, in which case your life will consist in being born. eating, drinking, sleeping, mating, growing old, and dying.
The second basic attitude is to look at life as if it were a business. A great many so-called successful men and women believe that life is a business, and they arrange their conduct and behavior accordingly. If you believe that life is a business, your first question of life. naturally, is "What do I get out of it " and your first reaction to any new experience is. "How much is this worth to me " In a world based on this attitude. happiness becomes a matter of successful competition.
The great majority of human beings today look at life as if it were a business. Their basic philosophy is one of competition and efficiency.
The third attitude toward life is the approach of the artist. Here the basic philosoph
[填空题]Fowling was a popular pastime. The marshes and the banks of the
Nile abounded with waterfowl which was hunted with spears and sticks. (1)______
Smaller birds were netted. Large amounts of migrating quail were (2)______
caught when landing exhausted after cross the Mediterranean. Hunters (3)______
spread nets and frightened the birds into rising. When their feet caught in (4)______
the nets, they were easily picked of. Interestingly, the hunters in this (5)______
hunting scene are wearing sandals while ordinary Egyptians walked on (6)______
barefoot most of the time.
Netting exhausting quail was easy. Well-rested ducks were more (7)______
difficult to catch. Two nets. big enough to cover the whole pool were spread
along a small watering place. Two corners of each net were fastened to pegs
on either side of the pool. The free corners of the nets on one side were
tied to a sturdy pole ramme


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