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发布时间:2024-08-24 21:14:41

[单项选择]In the 1970s many of us thought working outside the home would be liberating for women, freeing them from financial dependence on men and allowing them roles beyond those of wife and mother.
It hasn’t worked out that way. Women’s labor has been bought on the cheap, their working hours have become longer and their family commitments have barely diminished. The reality for most working women is a near impossible feat of working ever harder. There have been new opportunities for some women: professions once closed to them, such as law, have opened up. Women managers are commonplace, though the top boardrooms remain male preserves. Professional and managerial women have done well out of neoliberalism. Their salaries allow them to hire domestic help.
But more women, such as the supermarket or call centre workers; the cooks, cleaners and hairdressers, all find themselves in low-wage, low-status jobs with no possibility of paying to have their houses cleaned by someone else.
A. ironic
B. sympathetic
C. relieving
D. angry

更多"In the 1970s many of us thought wor"的相关试题:

[单项选择]In the 1970s many of us thought working outside the home would be liberating for women, freeing them from financial dependence on men and allowing them roles beyond those of wife and mother.
It hasn’t worked out that way. Women’s labor has been bought on the cheap, their working hours have become longer and their family commitments have barely diminished. The reality for most working women is a near impossible feat of working ever harder. There have been new opportunities for some women: professions once closed to them, such as law, have opened up. Women managers are commonplace, though the top boardrooms remain male preserves. Professional and managerial women have done well out of neoliberalism. Their salaries allow them to hire domestic help.
But more women, such as the supermarket or call centre workers; the cooks, cleaners and hairdressers, all find themselves in low-wage, low-status jobs with no possibility of paying to have their houses cleaned by someone else.
A. are facing worsening conditions
B. are still dependent on men financially
C. prefer staying at home as housewives
D. find it hard to get fair treatment
[单项选择]By the late 1970s, many shopping malls had almost developed into small cities themselves.
A. 20世纪70年代以后,很多购物中心都在其内部开发了一些小城。
B. 到20世纪70年代末,很多购物中心都几乎已经发展成为一座座小城。
C. 到20世纪70年代末,很多购物中心都在其内部开发了一些小城。
D. 20世纪70年代末,很多购物中心发展壮大,几乎变成一座座小城。
High Dropout Rate in US

Many young people in the United States never finish high school. Exactly how many dropouts is another issue. Recent studies of dropout rates have had conflicting results. For one thing, schools define and measure their dropout rates differently. Some researchers say about fifteen to twenty percent of public school students do not complete their education. But many other experts and policymakers believe that for the past twenty years, the dropout rate has been around thirty percent. For Latino and black students, the numbers are even higher. Researchers say almost half of them leave school.
At the Baltic time, almost half the states let students leave school before the age of eighteen without informing their parents. Finding a good job without a hilgh school education is more and more difficult. A Northeastern University study in 2002 found that almost half of all dropouts aged sixteen to twenty-four did no
[单项选择]Many of the fads of the 1970s()as today' s latest fashions.
A. are being revived
B. is revised
C. are revoked
D. is being reviled
[单项选择]Many of the fads of the 1970s()as today’s latest fashions.
A. are being revived
B. is revised
C. are revoked
D. is being reviled
Everglades National Park

A. When many people think of Florida, images of sandy coastlines or theme park rides come to mind. But about an hour south of Miami lies a natural wilderness different from anywhere else in the United States. Everglades National Park is the largest subtropical wilderness in the country. The park is home to several rare and endangered species. It is also the third largest national park in the lower forty-eight states, after Death Valley and Yellowstone. More than one million people visit the Everglades each year.
B. The Everglades is considered one of the great biological wonders of the world. The expansive wetlands stretch across more than six hundred thousand hectares (公顷). It is a place where plants and animals from the Caribbean Sea share an ecosystem with native North American species. Unlike most other national parks, Everglades National Park was created to protect an ecosystem from damage.


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