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发布时间:2024-07-05 23:49:27

[单项选择]Division manager: I want to replace the Microton computers in my division with Vitech computers.
General manager: Why
Division manager: It costs 28 percent less to train new staff on the Vitech.
General manager: But that is not a good enough reason. We can simply hire only people who already know how to use the Microton computer.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the general manager’s objection to the replacement of Microton computers with Vitechs
A. Currently all employees in the company are required to attend workshops on how to use Microton computers in new applications.
B. Once employees learn how to use a computer, they tend to change employers more readily than before.
C. Experienced users of Microton computers command much higher salaries than do prospective employees who have no experience in the use of computers.
D. The average productivity of employees in the general manager’s company is below the average productivity of the employees of its competitors.
E. (E) The high costs of replacement parts make Vitech computers more expensive to maintain than Microton computers.

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[多项选择]You want to apply for the position of manager in a company. Discuss with your partner about the role of the manager.
· Interpersonal roles
· Informational roles
· Decisional roles
[单项选择]Why did she want Michael Jackson’s manager to be her manager too
A. She knew he was associated with many record producers.
B. She was impressed by what he had done for Michael Jackson.
C. She wanted to be more famous than Michael Jackson.
A. 目前所有员工都被要求参加学习如何使用Microton计算机。
B. 一旦员工学会了如何使用计算机,他们就比以前更容易倾向于跳槽。
C. 熟练使用Microton计算机的员工会比预期没有计算机使用经验的员工要求更高的工资。
D. 该总经理所在公司员工的平均劳动生产率低于其竞争者的员工平均劳动生产率。
[填空题]A = Station manager B = Purchasing manager
C = Retail foodstore manager D = Retail store manager
E = City manager
※ should maintain an adequate supply of necessary items. 71. ______
※ should have a Master’s degree in public administration. 72. ______
※ could earn 26000 U. S. dollars annually in a small city. 73. ______
※ should have been trained in mass communications at 74. ______
※ may have learned the trade in a family-owned store. 75. ______
※ is very much concerned with employee and customer relations. 76. ______
※ works longer hours than clerks do. 77. ______
※ works for the construction company. 78. ______
※ coordinates operations in the foodstore. 79. ______
※ may get bonuses for sales volume and profits generated. 80. ______<
[单项选择]Small Business Division
Quarie Banking
Fendalton Building
I High St
CBD, Oakland
September 14, 2010
Lily Putnik
121 Sandringham Road
Mount Albert, Oakland
Dear Ms. Putnik,
I am writing in relation to your application for a loan of $20,000, dated August 29, to start a new venture in online education. After reviewing your personal credit history, your business plan, and the current market situation, we have decided to approve the application. Please note that this approval comes with a number of terms and conditions.
Firstly, the interest rate at which the loan will be charged is set at a fixed rate of 6.5% for the first 6 months. Beyond that, the interest rate will be paired to the standard floating rate. The current floating rate is 6.7%.
Secondly, you have opted for fixed-term interest only repayments. This means that, for the first 3 years, you will only be able to pay back the interest on the loan. After that, you will be e
A. Repay the debt within 3 years
B. Make no repayments in the first 6 months
C. Select between a fixed or floating interest rate
D. Cover the interest only in the initial stages


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