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发布时间:2023-10-14 02:31:57

[单项选择]The correct procedure for auscultating the client’s abdomen for bowel sounds would include( )
A. palpating the abdomen first to determine correct stethoscope placement.
B. encouraging the client to cough to stimulate movement of fluid and air through the abdomen.
C. placing the client on the left side to aid auscultation.
D. listening for 5 minutes in all four quadrants to confirm absence of bowel sounds.

更多"The correct procedure for auscultat"的相关试题:

[单项选择]While auscultating heart sounds of a client with heart failure, the nurse hears an extra heart sound immediately after the second heart sound (S2). The nurse should document this as()
A. a first heart sound (S1).
B. a third heart sound (S3).
C. a fourth heart sound (S4).
D. a murmur.
[单项选择]Choose the correct letters A-C.What is the correct way of citing when there are more than 3 authors
A. (Smith 1998c)
B. (Smith, Jones, Chen, 1998)
C. (Smith, et al, 1998)
[单项选择]Which number is correct
[单项选择]Which graph is correct
[单项选择]Which chart is correct
Preferred Customer Card
Application Procedure

Please complete the attached form at least two weeks prior to your next visit to Trinity Spa. A photocopy of some photo identification must be included as well as full payment for administrative fees in order to assure the full benefits of the Preferred Customer status as outlined in our information package. Please send the completed form by fax(416) 538-2099 to the attention of "The Preferred Customer Card Administrator" or to the following address:
"The Preferred Customer Card Administrator"
Trinity Spa 1 Hazeltree Lane, Toronto, ON
Please allow two weeks for proper processing. If you have any questions or comments, please send an email to PCCA@trinityspa. org. We are looking forward to welcoming you as a Preferred Customer.
Trinity Spa Preferred Customer Card Application Form
Personal Information
A. The membership card
B. A passport-sized picture
C. The document processing fee
D. The annual membership fee

[单项选择]Passage 3
A new biotechnology procedure that could become commercially available in as little as two to four years is "transgenosis", which permits scientists to create an animal with specific traits by adding, removing, inactivating, or repairing genes in an embryo. The additional genes can come from any source. For example, if a gene of interest occurs in mosquitoes—say, one that codes for resistance to a certain disease—it can be removed and placed in the embryo of a farm animal, the several strains of commercially useful transgenic farm animals that will probably emerge in the next few years could include leaner pigs, poultry resisting to influenza or other deadly diseases, sheep with wool that is easier to wash, and goats that produce valuable pharmaceuticals in their milk.
The simplest way to make transgenic animals is to inject a gen
A. embryos
B. pigs, sheep and goats
C. commercial science
D. improvement of animal strains
[单项选择]Which one below is correct
A. Birth rates in the US are soaring up in recent years.
B. Birth rates have reached the lowest point in the US.
C. Teenage pregnancies have gone down to historic lows in the US.
D. The report shows the birth rates in the US in the past 10 years.
[单项选择]What is the correct time
A. 7:30.
B. 7:25.
C. 7:35.


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