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发布时间:2024-03-24 22:28:54

[单项选择]Passage Three
There are faults which age releases us from, and there are virtues which turn to vices with the lapse of years. The worst of these is thrift, which in early and middle life is wisdom and duty to practice for a provision against destitution. As time goes on this virtue is apt to turn into the ugliest, cruelest, shabbiest of the vices. Then the victim of it finds himself storing past all probable need of saying for himself or those next him, m the deprivation of the remoter kin of the race; In the earlier time when gain was symbolized by gold or silver, the miser had a sensual joy in the touch of his riches, in hearing the coins clink in their fall through his fingers, and in gloating upon their increase sensible m the hand and eye. Then the miser had his place among the great figures of misdoing; he was of a dramatic effect, like a
A. his frankness
B. his eminence
C. his death
D. his glory

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[单项选择]Passage Three
There are faults which age releases us from, and there are virtues which turn to vices with the lapse of years. The worst of these is thrift, which in early and middle life is wisdom and duty to practice for a provision against destitution. As time goes on this virtue is apt to turn into the ugliest, cruelest, shabbiest of the vices. Then the victim of it finds himself storing past all probable need of saying for himself or those next him, m the deprivation of the remoter kin of the race; In the earlier time when gain was symbolized by gold or silver, the miser had a sensual joy in the touch of his riches, in hearing the coins clink in their fall through his fingers, and in gloating upon their increase sensible m the hand and eye. Then the miser had his place among the great figures of misdoing; he was of a dramatic effect, like a
A. stinginess may cause a very rich man to die very pitiful
B. rich people may still take 50 million as comparatively little
C. one remains discontent with all he’s gained until his death
D. the rich are inconsiderate of the majority that live in poverty
[单项选择]Passage 2

Among which age group of women low-dose aspirin therapy can dramatically reduce the risk of cardiovascular events a. 50 and older. b. 50-60. c. 40 and older. d. 40-50.
Passage Three

The age at which young children begin to make moral discriminations about harmful actions committed against themselves or others has been the focus of recent research into the moral development of children. Until recently, child psychologists supported pioneer developmentalist Jean Piaget in his hypothesis that because of their immaturity, children under age seven do not take into account the intentions of a person committing accidental or deliberate harm, but rather simply assign punishment for transgressions on the basis of the magnitude of the negative consequences causeD. According to Piaget, children under age seven occupy the first stage of moral development, which is characterized by moral absolutism (rules made by authorities must be obeyed) and imminent justice (if rules are broken, punishment will be meted out). Until young children mature, their moral judgments are based entirely on the effect rather
A. An outline for future research
B. An expanded definition of commonly misunderstood terms
C. An analysis of a dispute between two theories
D. A discussion of research findings in an ongoing inquiry

[单项选择]Passage Three

Which is not a songbird a. Warbles. b. Robins. c. Sparrows. d. Crows.
[单项选择]Passage Three
Three years ago, researchers announced the discovery of human genes that were capable of turning ordinary cells into malignant ones. The news met with some skepticism. Experts asked how a single gene could cause such a dramatic change. Why does cancer take years or even decades to develop if it is caused by such a simple and direct process In last week’s issue of the, three research teams answered those questions by setting forth a new model for understanding the role of oncogenes in cancer.
Each group found that it does in fact take more than a single gene to produce cancer in normal cells. Teams at M. I. T and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory on Long Island, N. Y. , reported that they could induce cancer in normal rat cells only by inserting at least two types of oncogene into the cells. "A single oncogene produced some changes,
A. was caused by normal cells
B. sometimes resulted from internal actions of the victim’s own body
C. was a hereditary disease
D. was a form of malignancy
Passage Three

The premise with which the multiculturalists begin is unexceptional: that it is important to recognize and to celebrate the wide range of cultures that exist in the United States. In what sounds like a reflection of traditional American pluralism, the multiculturalists argue that we must recognize difference, that difference is legitimate; in its kindlier Versions, multiculturalism represents the discovery on the part of minority groups that they can play a part in molding the larger culture even as they are molded by it. And on the campus multiculturalism, defined more locally as the need to recognize cultural variations among students, has tried with some success to talk about how a racially and ethnically diverse student body can enrich everyone’s education.
Phillip Green, a political scientist at Smith and a thoughtful proponent of multiculturalism, notes that for a significant portion of the s
A. The attempt to discover individual identities through political action
B. The political agenda that aspires to create a new pride of identity for Americans
C. The current obsession for therapy groups that help individuals discover their inner selves
D. The trend among minority students to discover their identities in their ethnic groups rather than in their individuality


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