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发布时间:2024-07-31 20:06:43

[单项选择]Which one is NOT the Pope’s image in the President’s eyes( ).
A. A peace-lover.
B. Friend of the poor people.
C. A good friend to Cuba.
D. A quiet and calm person.

更多"Which one is NOT the Pope’s image i"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Which one is NOT the Pope’s image in the President’s eyes
A. A peace-lover.
B. A friend of the poor people.
C. A good friend to Cuba.
D. A quiet and calm person.
[单项选择]Jefferson was vice president under which president
A. President Washington.
B. President Adams.
C. President Hamilton.
D. President Monroe.
[单项选择]Which of the following is President Roh Moo-hyun’s argument for relocation of the capital
A. Efficiency of government.
B. Environmental protection.
C. Decentralization.
D. Traffic concerns.
[单项选择]Which American president was at the same time period with Martin Luther King Jr.
A. John Kennedy.
B. Abraham Lincoln.
C. George Washington.
D. Ronald Reagan.
[单项选择]Which American President said: "We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal" ( )
A. Abraham Lincoln.
B. George Washington.
C. John Kennedy.
D. Thomas Jefferson.
The late Pope had cured himself of Parkinson’s disease, thus moving a step closer to sainthood.
In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
Write your composition on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.

[单项选择]Passage One
Evaluating one’s education at the close of each business day, most trained teachers, administrators, politicians, and statesmen made objective analyses of all that has transpired(泄露). They then carefully evaluate performance in the achievement of certain specified objectives. You, as a student, would be wise to adopt the same practice and reflect upon your performance in relating to the achievement of certain personal and educational objectives. First, what was your purpose, your motivational force in seeking an education
Did you seek an education in active performance, or did you seek to be educated in passive reception and automatic regulation of information that was fed to you Was the profit motive your primary motivation for obtaining an education Do you want a better education for the sole purpose of getting a better job What does the educational process really mean to you We are part of the world in which men thrill to the touch of
A. A.3) in this passage is nearest in meaning to______ unhappinessB. sleeplessnessC. a very bad dreamD. a hazard to your health
[简答题]in one’s twenties
[多项选择]The relationship between one’s determination and success has been widely accepted down the centuries.
Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a composition of about 200 words on the following popular saying:
Where There Is a Will, There Is a Way
You are to write in three parts:
In the first part, state specifically what your view is.
In the second part, support your view with one or two examples.
In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.

[填空题]In one’s 60s and 70s, people should strengthen functional fitness which adapts their workouts toward ______.
[填空题]In the tension-release method of relaxation, one should tense all his or her muscles together after ______.


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