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发布时间:2024-07-31 20:06:27

[单项选择]What is the main topic of the passage( ).
A. The mechanics of rain.
B. The climate of North America.
C. How gravity affects air current.
D. Types of clouds.

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[填空题]According to the passage, what is the main function of TV commercials

What is the main topic of the passage
A. Opportunities for All Americans
B. Challenges of the Information Age
C. Engineering and Industrial Revolution
D. Progress and Prosperity
[填空题]What is the main topic of this passage `

[填空题]S8. What is the main topic of the passage

[单项选择]Passage Four

What is this passage about a. The development of computer technonogy. b. The development of Symantec Corporation. c. Cyber attacks. d. Computer techniques.
Passage One

What is this passage about a. The sharp vision of a snake. b. The sharp sense of smell of a snake. c. The unique poision of a snake. d. The "six sense" of a snake to locate preys.
[单项选择]Passage Four

What does Symantec Corporation sell a. Computers. b. Anti-virus software. c. Computer books. d. Attacking softwares.
[单项选择]Passage Six
What do the extraordinarily successful companies have in common
To find out, we looked for correlations. We know that correlations are not always reliable; nevertheless, in the 27 survivors, our group saw four Shared personality traits that could explain their longevity (长寿).
Conservatism in financing. The companies did not risk their capital gratuitously (无缘无故). They understood the meaning of money in an old-fashioned way; they knew the usefulness spare cash in the kitty.
Money in hand allowed them to snap up (抓住) options when their’ competitors could not. They did not have to convince third-party financiers of the attractiveness of opportunities they wanted to pursue. Money in kitty allowed them to govern their growth and evolution.
Sensitivity to the world around them. Whether they had built their
A. Money burns a hole in one’s pocket.
B. Money doesn’t grow on trees.
C. Money called for is money well spent.
D. Money breeds money.
[单项选择]Passage Two
What makes teenagers moody and impulsive The answer used to be raging hormones plus a dearth of(短缺) life experiences. But three years ago this simple equation was blown apart by evidence from brain scans of strange goings-on behind the teenage forehead.
Till then, scientists had thought the brain’s internal structure was fixed by the end of childhood. The new scans showed the brain’s frontal cortex(皮层) thickening just before puberty(青春期), then slowly shrinking back to normal during the teenage years. Suddenly, the erratic huffiness(发怒) seemed to make sense: the teenage brain was a work in progress, a house in the process of being rewired.
Now comes more evidence of neural turmoil. According to psychologists in California, the speed with which youngsters can read the emotional expressions on people’s faces dips suddenly at
A. teenagers like to live in a house rewired
B. teenagers’ brain structure like a house
C. teenage brain is working in progress like a house being rewired
D. teenager tend not to get erratic huffiness if the house ,is rewired


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