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发布时间:2023-12-16 21:16:29

[填空题]Now the income gap is getting wider and wider. In some privately owned firms, (S1) __________, or foreign-funded companies, an (S2) __________ yearly income is ten times or even a hundred times as much as an ordinary worker’s. Faced with this situation, people will (S3) __________ have different opinions. Some believe that it benefits the (S4) __________ and economic development since driving force is often (S5) __________ from the gap. In other words, the gap (S6) __________ people and gives a push to advancement. Others speak of its side effect: income gap is often the root of social unrest and also contrary to our country’s (S7) __________. From my point of view, (S8) __________, it causes trouble as well. An income gap that is too wide for most people to bear can (S9) __________.Therefore, while we are advocating the rapid development of our country, (S10) __________.S2

更多"Now the income gap is getting wider"的相关试题:

[填空题]Now the income gap is getting wider and wider. In some privately owned firms, (S1) __________, or foreign-funded companies, an (S2) __________ yearly income is ten times or even a hundred times as much as an ordinary worker’s. Faced with this situation, people will (S3) __________ have different opinions. Some believe that it benefits the (S4) __________ and economic development since driving force is often (S5) __________ from the gap. In other words, the gap (S6) __________ people and gives a push to advancement. Others speak of its side effect: income gap is often the root of social unrest and also contrary to our country’s (S7) __________. From my point of view, (S8) __________, it causes trouble as well. An income gap that is too wide for most people to bear can (S9) __________.Therefore, while we are advocating the rapid development of our country, (S10) __________.S1
[单项选择]My income is now four times as much as I used to earn ten years ago.()
A. 我现在的收入是十年前的四倍。
B. 我现在的收入比十年前多四倍。
C. 我现在的收入是我习惯收入的四倍。
D. 我现在的收入比习惯收入多了四倍。
[填空题]My income is now 我两年前挣的两倍.
[填空题]My income is now _________________ (两倍)I used to earn two years ago.

[简答题] My View on the Income Gap
1. 收入悬殊是当前社会的一种现象。
2. 人们对此褒贬不一。
3. 我的看法。
[单项选择]Hypnotism (催眠)is now entering an era of wider acceptance and use. An event which occurred recently in a state mental hospital proves this. A doctor examined a young woman in her late twenties. A few months earlier she had fallen from a chair. It looked like she had damaged her spine(脊柱), causing paralysis, but X-rays showed no damage to her back. Doctors did not feel that her fall had been serious. They felt that her paralysis was purely mental. At last the doctors reasoned that hypnotism might help her. A hypnotist was called, and soon he put her into a trance (睡眠状态). He told her she could walk across the room with a pair of canes near her bed. Although she was weak from her months in bed, she was able to get across the room. Then the hypnotist told her she could walk with the aid of two nurses. Again she did as he said. Within three weeks she was out of the hospital, her paralysis cured.
When the patients are put into a trance, they ______
A. do anything they like
B. follow what the hypnotist tells them
C. walk across the room with a pair of canes
D. walk with the aid of two nurses


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