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发布时间:2023-11-23 01:46:13

[填空题]After World War I broke out, the German language was removed from the subjects in American schools.

更多"After World War I broke out, the Ge"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The Second World War broke out in ( ).
A. 1930s
B. the 1930es
C. the 1930s
D. 1930’s

When World War Ⅱ broke out, the speaker was in Liverpool on a year’s ______.
[填空题]The World War, Ⅱ broke out all of a sudden.
[单项选择]The war broke out ()
A. suddenly in 1939 in Poland
B. in 1939 suddenly in Poland
C. suddenly in Poland in 1939
D. in Poland in 1939 suddenly
[填空题]After World War II most Australians were cautious about prospects for the future.

[简答题]After World War 11 the glorification of an ever larger GNP formed the basis of a new materialism, which became a sacred obligation for all Japanese governments, businesses, and trade unions. Anyone who mentioned the undesirable by-products of rapid economic growth was treated as a heretic. Consequently everything possible was done to make conditions easy for the manufacturers. (1) Few dared question the wisdom of discharging untreated waste into the nearest water body or untreated smoke into the atmosphere. This silence was maintained by union leaders as well as most of the country’s radicals; except for a few isolated voices, no one protested. (2)An insistence on treatment of the various effluents would have necessitated expenditures on treatment equipment that in turn would have given rise to higher operating costs. Obviously this would have meant higher prices for Japanese goods, and ultimately fewer sales and lower industrial growth and GNP.
(3) The pursuit o

After World War Ⅱ the glorification of an ever-larger GNP formed the basis of a new materialism, which became a sacred obligation for all Japanese governments, businesses and trade unions. Anyone who mentioned the undesirable by-products of rapid economic growth was treated as a heretic. Consequently, everything possible was done to make conditions easy for the manufacturers. Few dared question the wisdom of discharging untreated waste into the nearest water body or untreated smoke into the atmosphere. This silence was maintained by union leaders as well as by most of the country’s radicals; except for a few isolated voices, no one protested. An insistence on treatment of the various effluents would have necessitated expenditures on treatment equipment that in turn would have given rise to higher operating costs. Obviously, this would have meant higher prices for Japanese goods, and ultimately fewer sales and lower industrial growth and GNP.
The pursuit of nothing b
A. Japan was markedly influenced by the U.S. in education
B. education in Japan was not so developed as that in the U. S.
C. Japanese educational institutions were much the same as those in the U. S.
D. the Japanese government concerned itself only about the economic gain


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